UTI Specialist Hospital in Noida

Why Do Kids Get UTIs? Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention Tips

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are common yet concerning health issues among children, often requiring timely medica

palliative care for all

Bring Comfort Home: Compassionate Palliative Care for All

When facing serious illness, comfort and quality of life become top priorities for both patients and their loved ones


How Dangerous Can Fibroids Be Based on Their Size?

Uterine fibroids are a common health concern for women, and while many are harmless, their size can play a significan

Diet Tips

Diet Tips for Ascites: Foods to Include and Avoid

Ascites, a condition associated with fluid accumulation in the cavity of the abdomen usually requires a multidiscipli

best cataract surgery hospital

Cataract Surgery by Felix Hospital: Success Rate, Complications, and Beyond

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision impairment and blindness worldwide.

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Penile Cancer Awareness: Key Symptoms Every Man Should Know

Penile cancer is a rare but serious condition that can significantly affect a man's health and quality of life.

Tooth Extraction

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary? Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Maintaining good oral health is essential not just for a beautiful smile but also for overall well-being.

post surgical care

Post-Surgical Care at Home: Tips for a Smooth Recovery

Recovering from surgery can be challenging, and the period after discharge is crucial to a successful recovery.


What Is Bursitis? Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis Options

Bursitis is a painful condition that occurs when the small, fluid-filled sacs known as bursae become inflamed.

Best Urology Surgery hospital in Noida at affordable prices

Felix Hospital’s Life-Saving Approach to Urological Cancer Treatment!

Urological cancers, which include cancers of the bladder, kidneys, prostate, and testicles, pose significant health r

Plastic Surgeon

Finding Your Perfect Fit: How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon

Choosing the right plastic surgeon is one of the most important steps in a patient’s journ

Prostate Cancer

5 Symptoms Every Man Should Know About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a significant health concern for men, particularly as they age.

Best Heart Hospital in Noida

The Ultimate Guide to Heart Health: Strategies for Every Age

Your heart is the engine that powers your body, tirelessly pumping blood and supplying oxy

Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery: Indications and Benefits for Facial Aesthetics

Orthognathic surgery, commonly referred to as corrective jaw surgery, is a specialized surgical procedure that addres

नेत्र उपचार के लिए सर्वोत्तम चिकित्सक नोएडा में

आई स्पेशलिस्ट ने बताए सर्दियों में आंखों की देखभाल के 5 तरीके

सर्दियों में ठंडी और शुष्क हवाएं आंखों की समस्याओं का कारण बन सकती हैं। इसलिए इनसे बचाव और सही देखभाल आवश्यक है। पर्य

stomach Healthy

Toxic Habits That Destroy Our Stomach Health: Causes and Prevention

Our digestive system plays a central role in our overall health, influencing everything from immunity to mental well-

Best Pacemaker Surgery Hospital in Noida

A Complete Guide to Pacemaker Surgery Cost and Insurance

Understanding Pacemaker Surgery

A pacemaker is a small


Top 10 Foods to Include and Avoid for a Healthy Liver

Your liver is one of the most vital organs in your body, responsible for detoxifying harmful substances, producing bi

Best Heart Hospital in Noida

Revealing Silent Heart Disease: Why Early Detection is Key to Heart Health

Heart disease is often thought of as a sudden, life-altering event, but in reality, many forms of it develop silently


Understanding Menopause: Symptoms, Stages, and What to Expect

Menopause marks a significant transition in a woman’s life, signaling the end of her reproductive years.

fibroid management

Non-Surgical Options for Fibroid Management: What’s New?

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous growths of the uterus that commonly develop d

best hospital for Pneumonia treatment in Noida

Pneumonia Recovery: How Long Does Treatment Take

Pneumonia is a respiratory infection that affects the air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs, causing inflammation and often


Understanding Ascites: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

Ascites is a medical condition characterized by the abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, the spac

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Expert Tips for Tackling Allergies and Sinusitis: Breathe Easier Today!

Allergies and sinusitis are two common yet often misunderstood conditions that can significantly impact quality of li

advances in neurosurgery

Advances in Neurosurgery: From Brain Tumors to Spine Health

Neurosurgery deals with the entire nervous system that starts in your brain, runs through your spine, and branches ou


Decoding the Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in India

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, has become one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries worldwide.

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Hidden Heart Risks: The Vital Facts 1 in 4 People Overlook

Heart disease is a leading cause of illness and death worldwide, but many people are unaware of the hidden risks that

Best Heart Hospital and Doctor in Noida

How Cold Weather Impacts Your Child's Heart Health: What Every Parent Should Know

As temperatures drop, parents need to be aware of how cold weather can affect their children’s heart health.

barthoin cyst explained

Bartholin Cyst Explained: Signs, Diagnosis, and Recovery

A Bartholin cyst is a condition that affects many women but is often overlooked or misunderstood.

Best Hospital for Sinusitis treatments

Understanding Sinusitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment Solutions

Sinusitis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, leading to disc


Laminectomy Disc Surgery: When and Why It’s Needed

If you’ve tried almost all the non-invasive medical treatments for your persistent low back or neck pain but nothing

best Hospital for Vascular Surgery

Decoding the Cost of Vascular Surgery in Noida

Vascular surgery is a specialized field within medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of c

Behavioral Problems in Children

Behavioral Problems in Children: Signs Parents Shouldn’t Ignore

Children’s behavioral development is a vital part of their growth, shaping their interacti


एचएमपीवी बनाम फ्लू: जानिए इनके बीच का अंतर

श्वसन तंत्र को प्रभावित करने वाले वायरसों में ह्मून मेटान्यूमोवायरस (एचएमपीवी ) और फ्लू दो प्रमुख नाम हैं। ये दोनों ह


Nutrition Guide for Aging Adults: Balanced Dietary Tips

Aging brings about various physical, metabolic, and lifestyle changes that can impact nutritional needs and overall h

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Lack of Sleep: 10 Shocking Ways It Affects Your Body

Sleep is crucial for overall health, yet many people sacrifice it due to busy schedules, stress, or poor habits.

Boost Your B12: Top Foods to Fight Deficiency

Boost Your B12: Top Foods to Fight Deficiency

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a crucial nutrient that plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health

Best cataract hospitals in Noida

Achieving Crystal Clear Vision: Understanding the Success Rates of Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful procedures performed worldwide, with millions benefiting fr

Best Hospital for Pneumonia Treatment in Noida

Navigating Pneumonia Treatment Costs and Insurance: Your Guide to Affordable Care

Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that requires timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment to prevent complicatio

best doctor for Heart Attacks

Heart Failure Symptoms in Women: Watch Out for 4 Silent Signs

Heart failure can often be misinterpreted, especially in women, where symptoms may present

best Eye treatments hospital in Noida

Eye Flu Spreads: Causes, Prevention, and How to Find Relief

The spread of eye flu, or conjunctivitis, is becoming more common, affecting individuals of all ages with symptoms th

एचएमपीवी उपचार के लिए नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ अस्पताल

बच्चों और बुजुर्गों के लिए HMPV कितना खतरनाक है?

ह्यूमन मेटान्यूमोवायरस (एचएमपीवी) एक श्वसन वायरस है जो मानव श्वसन तंत्र को प्रभावित करता ह

 नोएडा में नेत्र अस्पताल के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ डॉक्टर - अच्छा नेत्र अस्पताल

आई फ्लू कैसे फैलता है: जानिए ये वायरस आंखों को कैसे प्रभावित करता है

जैसे ही हम अपनी दिनचर्या में व्यस्त होते हैं, कई बार हम कुछ स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को नजरअंदाज कर देते हैं। उनमें से एक ह

Celebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects movement, muscle tone, and posture.

Best hospital for dengue fever treatment

10 Effective Ways to Boost Platelet Count During Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne illness that can lead to severe symptoms, including a dan

best hospital for gallbladder stones

Is Gallbladder Stone Dangerous? What You Need to Know

Gallbladder stones, also known as gallstones, are hardened deposits that can form in the g

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS): What It Is and How It Affects the Body?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects th

Types of Foot Fractures

Common Types of Foot Fractures and How to Prevent Them

Foot fractures are a common injury that can significantly impact daily activities and mobi


Understanding the Stages of Fatty Liver: From Diagnosis to Recovery

Fatty liver disease is a growing health concern worldwide, affecting millions of individuals regardless of age or lif

best dermatology hospital in Noida

Winter Weather and Cold Sores: Protecting Your Lips in Cold Months

As the temperatures drop and winter settles in, many of us look forward to the beauty of the season—snowflakes dancin

Huntington disease

Huntington's Disease: Genetics, Symptoms, and How It's Diagnosed

Huntington's disease is a rare but devastating genetic condition that progressively affects the brain, leading to cog

नोएडा के सर्वश्रेष्ठ हॉस्पिटल में उपचार

बवासीर का ऑपरेशन: कब ज़रूरी होता है और इसके क्या फायदे-नुकसान हैं?

बवासीर, जिसे पाइल्स या हेमोराइड्स के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, एक आम समस्या है, जो हर उम्र के लोगों को प्रभावित कर सकती

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Understanding Human Metapneumovirus: Symptoms, Treatment, and Recovery Rates

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a type of common respiratory virus that mimics the symptom

Acetabular Fracture Fixation

Acetabular Fracture Fixation: Procedure and Recovery Guide

Acetabular fractures involve damage to the socket portion of the hip joint (the acetabulum), which plays a crucial ro

celiac disease

What Is a Celiac Disease Profile Test and Why Is It Important?

Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder triggered by ingesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and

 नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ मूत्राशय पथरी उपचार अस्पताल

महिलाओं में गॉल ब्लैडर स्टोन के लक्षण, कारण और प्रभावी उपचार- फेलिक्स हॉस्पिटल

गॉल ब्लैडर (पित्ताशय) में पथरी या स्टोन होना महिलाओं में एक सामान्य समस्या बनती जा रही है। गॉल ब्लैडर, जो पित्त (बाइल

polyclinic vs hospital

Polyclinic vs. Hospital: Which is Right for Your Health Needs?

When faced with a health issue, knowing where to seek care—whether at a polyclinic or a hospital—can be crucial for t


Upper vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery: Which is Right for You?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a transformative procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of

Best hospital for Pulmonary Endarterectomy

Pulmonary Endarterectomy: A Complex Lifesaving Lung Surgery

Pulmonary Endarterectomy (PEA) is a complex yet lifesaving surgical procedure for those su

best heart  Surgery Hospital in Noida

5 Expert-Backed Tips to Reduce Artery Blockage and Boost Heart Health

Blocked arteries, or atherosclerosis, occur when plaque builds up in the arteries, restric


Decoding the Cost of Laminectomy Surgery in Noida

Laminectomy surgery is an effective treatment for various spine conditions, offering relief from pain, weakness, and

root canal treatment

रूट कैनाल उपचार: इससे जुड़ी भ्रांतियाँ और सच्चाई

दांतों की देखभाल के प्रति जागरूकता होने के बावजूद, कई बार हमें ऐसे दांतों की समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है जिनका इल

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Exploring the Best Varicose Vein Treatments for Lasting Relief

Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen ones often visible beneath the skin's surface, primarily affecting the legs, fee

A Guide to Kidney Infections

Understanding Kidney Infections: Pyelonephritis and Its Treatment

Kidney infections, particularly pyelonephritis, are serious health conditions that require

Best pediatrician hospital in Noida

Pediatric Dermatology: Skin Pigmentation Disorders in Children

Addressing skin concerns is essential when it comes to children's health, especially in conditions like skin pigmenta

Dr. Rahul Arora-Best cardiologist in Noida

Winter Increases the Risk of Stroke: Dr. Rahul Arora

As winter arrives, many enjoy cozy nights and festive celebrations, but the colder months

Proper Way to Clean Teeth

दांतों की सफाई का सही तरीका: गलतियाँ जो लोग अक्सर करते हैं |

दांत हमारे शरीर का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होते हैं, जो न सिर्फ हमारे खाने-पीने के आनंद को बढ़ाते हैं, बल्कि हमारे चेहरे

best heart hospital in Noida

What is the Ideal Age for Heart Surgery in Females? Health Risk Factors and Considerations

When it comes to heart health, women face unique challenges that can impact the timing and necessity of surgical inte

 नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ यूरोलॉजी अस्पताल

यूरिन में झाग आना किडनी खराब होने का है संकेत: कारण और उपचार

यूरिन में झाग आना किडनी की समस्या का संकेत हो सकता है। यह स्थिति आमतौर पर तब होती है जब कि

cost of treating asthma and bronchitis

Beware the Penetrating Cold Air: The Effect of Winter on Asthma and Bronchitis Patients

Winter’s arrival brings not only shorter days and colder temperatures but also unique chal

पुरुषों और महिलाओं में गठिया के लक्षणों

जानें पुरुषों और महिलाओं में गठिया के लक्षणों में अंतर

गठिया एक सामान्य लेकिन जटिल रोग है, जो शरीर के जोड़ या जोड़ों में सूजन और दर्द का कारण बनता है। यह समस्या पुरुषों और

Fatty Liver

What is Fatty Liver? Symptoms, Causes, and Early Warning Signs

Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition that occurs when excess fat builds up in the liv

नोएडा में सबसे अच्छा नेत्र अस्पताल

सर्दियों में आँखों की सुरक्षा कैसे करें? जानें उपाय

सर्दियाँ आते ही हमारे जीवन में कई बदलाव आते हैं—कपड़े, खान-पान, और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण, हमारी

डिजिटल हेल्थ और टेलीमेडिसिन: रूमेटोलॉजी रोगियों के लिए वरदान

डिजिटल हेल्थ और टेलीमेडिसिन: रूमेटोलॉजी रोगियों के लिए वरदान

रूमेटोलॉजी जो जोड़ों मांसपेशियों और अस्थि-संबंधित समस्याओं से जुड़े रोग हैं। जिसमें लगातार देखभाल और रोगी-चिकित्सक सं

Thyroid and Weight Management: Myths and Facts

Thyroid and Weight Management: Myths and Facts

Navigating the complexities of thyroid health and weight management can be challenging, especially with the abundance

Eyelid Surgery

What is Eyelid Surgery? Everything You Need to Know

Eyelid surgery, medically known as blepharoplasty, is a transformative cosmetic and functional procedure designed to

नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ फंगल उपचार अस्पताल

फंगल इन्फेक्शन क्या है: सामान्य त्वचा संक्रमण और उन्हें कैसे रोकें

फंगल इन्फेक्शन एक सामान्य लेकिन गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है, जो लोगों को प्रभावित कर सकती है। यह संक्रमण मुख्य रूप से फ

Cosmetic Dentistry Trends

Cosmetic Dentistry Trends: From Teeth Whitening to Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way in recent years, offering people a range of options

सर्वोत्तम नेत्र चिकित्सालय नोएडा में

मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी के प्रकार: विकल्प, सुझाव और सर्जरी की कीमत

मोतियाबिंद एक सामान्य आंखों की समस्या है, जो विशेष रूप से वृद्ध लोगों में पाई जाती है। यह स्थिति तब होती है जब आंखों

Best Cataract Surgery Hospital in Noida

The Different Types of Cataracts and Their Impact on Vision

Cataracts are a common vision problem that can affect individuals as they age, leading to significant changes in how

नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ नेत्र अस्पताल - सर्वोत्तम नेत्र उपचार चिकित्सक

आँखों में खुजली के कारण और उपचार के विकल्प

आँखों में खुजली होना एक सामान्य समस्या है, जिसका सामना हममें से कई लोग करते हैं। यह असुविधा दैनंदिन जीवन को प्रभावित

नोएडा में सर्वश्रेष्ठ त्वचाविज्ञान अस्पताल -  फ़ेलिक्स अस्पताल

बालों, त्वचा या नाखूनों के फंगल संक्रमण: इसके लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

फंगल संक्रमण, जिसे आमतौर पर फंगस संक्रमण के रूप में जाना जाता है, एक स्वास्थ्य समस्या है ज

Home Care for Chronic Illness

Home Care for Chronic Illness: How Consistent Monitoring Transforms Quality of Life

Living with a chronic illness brings unique challenges, including managing symptoms, monitoring health parameters, an

best hospital for valvular heart disease

A Review of Transcatheter Treatment of Valvular Heart Disease

Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a serious cardiovascular condition that affects millions o

Migraine Relief

Migraine Relief: Innovative Treatments and Lifestyle Changes

Migraines are not merely headaches; they are complex neurological conditions that can cause intense and often debilit

Rheumatology Specialist

शरीर के जोड़ों का कैसे ख्याल रखें? रुमेटोलॉजी विशेषज्ञ की सलाह

शरीर के जोड़ों में हड्डियों को जोड़ने वाली संरचनाएं होती हैं, जिनके कारण हमारा शरीर गतिशील रहता है। यह संतुलन के लिए

RA Factor

आरए फैक्टर (RA Factor) : महत्व, स्तर, प्रभाव, मिथक और तथ्य

रुमेटोइड फैक्टर एक एंटीबॉडी है जो इम्यून सिस्टम द्वारा उत्पन्न होता है। यह सामान्यतः आईजीएम श्रेणी का होता है और जोड़

नोएडा में मोतियाबिंद सर्जरी अस्पताल

​मोतियाबिंद के विभिन्न प्रकार और दृष्टि उपचार -फेलिक्सहॉस्पिटल सबसे अच्छा विकल्प

मोतियाबिंद (Cataract) एक सामान्य आंख की समस्या है, जो मुख्य रूप से उम्र बढ़ने के साथ होती है। यह स्थिति आंखों के लेंस

Best cardiologist in Noida

हृदय रोग के 5 सूक्ष्म लक्षण जिन्हें आपको सर्दियों में कभी भी नज़रअंदाज नहीं करना चाहिए

सर्दियों के मौसम में हृदय से संबंधित बीमारियों का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। ठंड के मौसम में शरीर क

Best Cataract Surgery Hospital in Noida

Preparing for Cataract Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful eye surgeries, allowing patients

How Diet Can Help Raise Your Platelet Count During Dengue?

How Diet Can Help Raise Your Platelet Count During Dengue?

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection caused by the Aedes mosquito, which significantly impacts platelet l

मसूड़ों से खून आना

मसूड़ों से खून आना एक चिंताजनक समस्या: जानें कारण और समाधान

मसूड़ों से खून आना एक सामान्य लेकिन चिंताजनक समस्या है जिसे अक्सर लोग नजरअंदाज कर देते हैं। यह समस्या दांतों और मसूड़

Best cataract surgery doctor near me

How To Protect Eyes In Winter: Expert Tips for Winter Eye Health

As winter approaches, the cold air and harsh environmental conditions can pose unique chal

best heart attack treatment Hospital in Noida

सर्दियों में हृदय की देखभाल, हम इसे प्रभावी ढंग से कैसे प्रबंधित कर सकते हैं

सर्दियों के मौसम में हार्ट अटैक का खतरा अधिक बढ़ जाता है और इसके पीछे कई कारण होते हैं। ठंड का असर खासतौर पर दिल और र

Cervical Changes During Pregnancy

Cervical Changes During Pregnancy: What’s Normal?

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey marked by numerous physical and emotional changes.

 Best cataract surgery doctor near me

How to Prevent Cataracts: 7 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Cataracts

Cataracts are a common eye condition that can lead to significant vision impairment if lef

जोड़ों का दर्द: बदलते मौसम में गठिया कैसे बढ़ती है?

जोड़ों का दर्द: बदलते मौसम में गठिया कैसे बढ़ती है?

भारत में विभिन्न प्रकार के मौसम का अनुभव होता है, जो हमारी सेहत पर कई तरह से असर डालता है। इनमें से एक गंभीर समस्या ह

Ankylosing Spondylitis: Early Detection and Long-Term Management

Ankylosing Spondylitis: Early Detection and Long-Term Management

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory condition that primarily affects the spine and sacroiliac joint

पार्किन्सन रोग

पार्किन्सन रोग: जानें मुख्य लक्षण, प्रकार और इलाज के उपाय

पार्किंसंस रोग एक न्यूरोलॉजिकल विकार है, जो मस्तिष्क के कुछ हिस्सों में डोपामाइन नामक रसाय

Best ENT surgeon in Noida

Overview: Enlarged Tonsils and Adenoids Treatment in Adults

Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are often perceived as conditions primarily affecting childr

The Link Between Oral Health and Systemic Diseases Like Diabetes

The Link Between Oral Health and Systemic Diseases Like Diabetes

Good oral health is more than just a matter of aesthetics; it plays a crucial role in overall wellness.

best Hospital for Cataract surgery

8 Tips for Quick Recovery after Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and effective procedures to restore vision.

Cancer & Gut Microbiome: How Microbes Impact Treatment

Cancer & Gut Microbiome: How Microbes Impact Treatment

Recent studies have shown the significant impact of the gut microbiome on overall health, including its role in cance

गाउट रोग

गाउट (Gout) रोग: जब शरीर में यूरिक एसिड बढ़ जाता है।

गाउट एक प्रकार का गठिया (arthritis) है, जो शरीर में यूरिक एसिड के स्तर के बढ़ने से होता है। यह स्थिति अचानक तीव्र दर्

Best Hospital for Your Pregnancy

The Key Factors in Choosing the Best Hospital for Your Pregnancy

Choosing the right hospital for pregnancy is one of the most important decisions expectant parents can make.


How Innovations in IVF and IUI Are Transforming Reproductive Medicine

In vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) have revolutionized the field of reproductive medici

Best Hospital for Enlarged prostate treatment

The Growing Problem of an Enlarged Prostate: What You Should Know

An enlarged prostate, clinically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a prevalent condition among men, par

best Cataract Surgery treatment in noida

How Long Does It Take for Eyes to Settle After Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the most common and successful surgeries performed globally.

Labiaplasty Surgical Process in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Labiaplasty Surgical Process in Noida

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the size and shape of the labia minora or

best hospital for Cataract Surgery in noida

Crucial Things To Know: Your Eyes Need Time to Heal After Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a common and effective procedure to restore clear vision, but the reco

Best Heart Hospital in Noida

7 Subtle Signs of Heart Disease You Should Never Ignore in 2024

Heart disease remains a leading cause of death globally, affecting millions of people each

 बच्चों में मूत्र संक्रमण के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ अस्पताल

बच्चों में मूत्र मार्ग संक्रमण (यूटीआई): लक्षण, कारण, उपचार और निदान

बच्चों में मूत्र मार्ग संक्रमण (यूटीआई) एक सामान्य लेकिन गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या हो सकती है। यह संक्रमण तब होता है जब

एनजाइना पेक्टोरिस के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ अस्पताल

सीने में दर्द (एनजाइना पेक्टोरिस) -लक्षण, कारण और निदान को जाने

एनजाइना पेक्टोरिस, जिसे आमतौर पर सीने में दर्द के रूप में जाना जाता है, दिल से संबंधित एक गंभीर समस्या है। यह समस्या

traditional braces

Invisalign Versus Traditional Braces: Which is Right for You?

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, one of the most common questions people ask is whether they should choose Inv

best cardiologist for Heart treatment in Noida

Heart Truths: Quick and Effective Heart Health Hacks You Need to Know

Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for overall well-being and longevity.

best heart Hospital in Noida at Low Cost treatment

Why Hypertension, Heart Attack, and Stroke Risks are Higher in the Cold

As winter sets in and temperatures drop, many people eagerly anticipate the holidays, snow days, and cozy nights by t

teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening: Options, Pros, Cons, and Safety Tips

A dazzling white smile is a confidence booster for many, but lifestyle factors and aging can dim that sparkle over ti

सर्वोत्तम हृदय शल्यचिकित्सक

विंटर अलर्टः जानिए सर्दी में हार्ट अटैक का खतरा अधिक क्यों होता है

सर्दियों के मौसम में दिल के दौरे का खतरा अधिक बढ़ जाता है और इसके पीछे कई कारण होते हैं। ठंड का असर खासतौर पर दिल और

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ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस (Osteoarthritis): बुजुर्गों में जोड़ों का दर्द क्यों होता है ?

ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस (Osteoarthritis) जोड़ों से संबंधित दीर्घकालिक (क्रोनिक) बीमारी है, जो मुख्य रूप से उम्र बढ़ने के सा

Fibroid surgery cost, fibroid removal surgery cost

Decoding the Fibroid Surgery Cost in Noida

Fibroids, or non-cancerous growths in or around the uterus, can cause a variety of symptoms, including heavy menstrua

best hospital for heart health

Impact of Corporate Stress on Heart Health: Risks, Treatment, and Prevention Tips

In today's fast-paced corporate world, stress has become an unavoidable part of daily life for many professionals.

Chest Specialist in Noida, Pulmonologist

Sarcoidosis Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Sarcoidosis is a complex autoimmune disease that can have a profound effect on multiple or

Piles treatment in male in Noida

Symptoms of Piles in Male: Signs, Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment

If you're experiencing discomfort and suspect you might have piles, also known as hemorrhoids, it's essential to seek

Best heart attack treatment hospital in Noida

Heart Attacks in Winter: How to Reduce the Risks of Cardiac Arrest in Cold Weather

As winter descends and temperatures drop, many people find joy in the season’s festivities

Arthritis in Young Adults

Early Detection and Management of Arthritis in Young Adults

Arthritis is commonly associated with older individuals, but it’s becoming increasingly ev

Cataract surgery treatments

10 Things Most People Don't Know About Cataract Surgery Treatments and Costs

Cataracts, or "motiyabind," can significantly impact vision, making daily activities chall

best hospital for cough and cold treatment in children

How to Stop a Constant Cough and Cold in Children

As parents, there’s nothing more distressing than seeing your child uncomfortable, especially when it comes to a pers

Risk of heart attacks

Can Cold Weather Increase the Risk of Heart Attacks?

Cold weather is commonly linked to seasonal illnesses such as the common cold and flu, but it can also significantly

home care for new mothers

Home Care for New Mothers: Unlocking Postnatal Recovery Tips

The journey from pregnancy to motherhood is transformative, and the postpartum period brin

Recognizing the Signs Your Child Might Need Counseling

Recognizing the Signs Your Child Might Need Counseling

As parents, we often strive to ensure our children are happy, healthy, and thriving both e

Best piles doctor in Noida- Hospital

Why Do Piles Happen? Exploring the Causes and Preventive Measures

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are a common condition affecting millions of people worldwide.

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How to Remove Lipoma Without Surgery: Natural Remedies and Alternative Treatments

Lipomas are benign (non-cancerous) lumps of fat that form beneath the skin, usually between the skin and underlying m

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Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia, affects millions of people worldwide.

Best Hospital for Urine Infection in Children

Understanding Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in Children: A Complete Guide

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are common among children and can cause considerable discomfort and health concerns i

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Healing with Indian Vegetarian Foods: Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory condition primarily affecting the join


Polycystic Kidney Disease: Genetic Factors and Management

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder marked by the formation of numerous cysts in the kidneys, leadi

Best hospital for cataract surgery

What is the Right Time for Cataract (Motiyabind) Surgery?

Cataracts, or "Motiyabind" in Hindi, refer to the clouding of the eye's natural lens, leading to blurred vision.

Congestive Heart Failure treatment Hospital

Congestive Heart Failure: Symptoms, Stages & Treatment Cost

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including a signific

Best Cornea transplant Hospital in Noida

Cornea Transplant: Procedure, Recovery, and Long-Term Care

Cornea transplants, also called keratoplasties, are surgical procedures designed to replace damaged or diseased corne

dental implant

डेंटल इम्प्लांट: कब और क्यों जरूरी होता है ?

डेंटल इम्प्लांट दांतों की कमी या क्षति को भरने के लिए एक आधुनिक और प्रभावी समाधान है। ये इम्प्लांट न केवल आपके चेहरे

Best Cataract Surgery Hospital in Noida

You Should Know: Unveiling the Truth Behind 7 Common Cataract Surgery Myths

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures worldwide.

Bladder stones treatment Surgery in Noida

Raising Bladder Cancer Awareness: Key Facts, Prevention, Treatment, and Cost

Bladder cancer is a significant health concern, affecting thousands of people every year.

मसूड़ों की सर्जरी

गम सर्जरी (मसूड़ों की सर्जरी): मसूड़ों की बीमारी के लिए अंतिम उपाय

मसूड़ों की बीमारियाँ, जैसे कि पेरियोडोन्टल रोग (Periodontal Disease) या गम डिज़ीज़, एक आम

How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

How Many Calories Should I Eat to Lose Weight?

To lose weight effectively, start by creating a calorie deficit—consuming fewer calories t

cholera prevention

Cholera Prevention: Protecting Yourself and Your Community

Cholera is a life-threatening disease that continues to pose a public health challenge in many parts of the world.


What is Abdominoplasty? A Complete Guide to Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps remove excess skin and fa

Best Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Best Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that primarily affects the jo

 Macular Degeneration Treatment Hospitals

Advancements in the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss among people aged

Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatments

Thyroid cancer is a complex condition that affects the thyroid gland, which is crucial for


Scleroderma: Key Facts on This Rare Autoimmune Disease

Scleroderma is a rare and complex autoimmune disease that affects the skin and connective tissues.

 best mole removal surgeon in Noida

Mole Removal Surgery Options: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & Cost

Moles, also known as nevi, are common skin growths that can vary in size, shape, and color

Best hernia surgery hospital in Noida

Essential Tips for Taking Care of Your Hernia After Surgery

Hernia surgery can significantly alleviate discomfort and improve quality of life.


What is a Lipoma? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Lipomas are soft, benign (non-cancerous) lumps that form under the skin due to an overgrowth of fat cells.

हर दौरा मिर्गी का लक्षण नहीं होता जानिए दौरे (Seizure) के बारे में

हर दौरा मिर्गी का लक्षण नहीं होता जानिए दौरे (Seizure) के बारे में

अगर किसी को बार-बार दौरे (Seizure) आते हैं या कोई व्यक्ति पहली बार ऐसे लक्षण महसूस करता है, तो उसे तुरंत चिकित्सा सहा

Best Paediatric Endocrinologist Doctors in Noida

How Lifestyle Interventions Can Prepare Children for a Healthy Future

In today's fast-paced world, the importance of a healthy lifestyle cannot be overstated, e

Alport Syndrome: A Genetic Kidney Disorder

Alport Syndrome: A Genetic Kidney Disorder

Alport syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the kidneys, eyes, and ears, leadi

Kidney Function Tests

The Importance of Regular Kidney Function Tests

Kidneys are vital organs responsible for filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood,

Turner syndrome

The Impact of Turner Syndrome on Fertility and Reproductive Health

Turner syndrome, a genetic disorder affecting females, is caused by the complete or partial absence of one of the two

Best hospital for your child in Noida

Healthy Child: A Guide from the Felix Hospital of Pediatrics

Ensuring that your children grow up physically and emotionally healthy is one of parents and caregivers' most importa

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery: Options for Weight Loss and Metabolic Health

Obesity is one of the most prevalent health concerns globally, affecting millions of peopl

Angioplasty and stenting are common procedures performed to treat narrowed or blocked coronary arteries.

8 Lifestyle Changes to Adopt After Angioplasty or Stenting Procedure

Angioplasty and stenting are common procedures performed to treat narrowed or blocked coro

best doctor for testicular pain

10 Things to Know About Testicular Pain

Testicular pain can be a distressing experience for many men, often causing concern and anxiety about potential under


Early Signs of Gigantism in Children: What Parents Should Know

When it comes to our children's growth and development, it is natural for parents to be vigilant and observant.

The cold air is often dry, and when combined with indoor heating, it can significantly reduce moisture levels in the air.

How Does Cold Weather Affect Eyes? Eye Care During Winter

As winter approaches, the air becomes crisp, and temperatures drop significantly.

An expert in diagnosing and treating various eye conditions, including glaucoma

5 Tips for Living Better with Glaucoma: Management, Prevention, and Safety Tips

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, often due to elevated intraocular pressure, and ca

Best skin treatment hospital in Noida

Sunburn: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Home Remedies, and Prevention

Sunburn is a common skin condition caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, typically from the sun

How to Prevent Cavities?

How to Prevent Cavities: Tips from Our Dental Experts

When it comes to maintaining good oral health, preventing cavities should be at the forefront of your dental care rou

Best ENT hospital in Noida- Best ENT Doctor in Noida

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common but serious sleep disorder that affects millions

Warning Signs of Oral Cancer

The Silent Warning Signs of Oral Cancer: What You Need to Know

Oral cancer, which includes cancers of the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses, a

The best cardiology hospital is your trusted partner in managing and treating heart emergencies with precision and expertise.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest vs. Heart Attack: Know the Signs, Symptoms, and Causes

Cardiovascular conditions are a leading cause of death worldwide, and two of the most dangerous heart-related emergen

Tuberculosis of the Knee

Tuberculosis of the Knee: Understanding, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious bacterial infection primarily known for affecting the lungs.

felix hospital specializes in managing urinary tract infections, kidney stones, bladder issues

4 Reasons to Consider Urology for Early Detection & Treatment of Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infections affecting millions of people each year.


Ectopic Pregnancy: Early Detection and Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, most

ovulation symptoms

ओव्यूलेशन के इन 11 लक्षणों को ध्यान में रखना बेहद आवश्यक

ओव्यूलेशन (Ovulation) वह प्रक्रिया है जिसमें महिला के अंडाशय से एक पका हुआ अंडाणु (एग) हर

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity? Explore Our Effective Treatment Options!

Tooth sensitivity, a common dental concern affecting millions globally, can disrupt everyday activities such as eatin

Best hospital for corns and calluses in Noida

A perfect and the Best Reliable Treatment for Corn and Calluses

Corns and calluses are thickened areas of skin that develop due to repeated friction, pressure, or irritation.

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

Pancreatic cancer is a serious and aggressive type of cancer that affects the pancreas, an essential organ responsibl

best mumps treatment hospital

Managing Mumps: Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention, and Cost

Mumps is a contagious viral infection that primarily affects the salivary glands, causing swelling in the face and ne

best kidney stone removal hospital in Noida.

The Role of Nutrition in Urological Health: The Importance of Diet and Exercise

Urological health is essential for overall well-being, encompassing the proper functioning of the urinary system, whi

Emergency and trauma treatment near me

Need to Know: Choosing the Right Hospital for Your Critical Moments

In times of emergency or trauma, the hospital you choose can make a significant difference

Complications of Bone Fractures

Complications of Bone Fractures: What You Need to Know

Bone fractures are common injuries that can occur due to various reasons, such as accidents, falls, sports injuries,

best orthopedic hospital in Noida

How to Fix Knock Knees in Adulthood: Exercises and Treatments

Knock knees, or "genu valgum," is a common condition where a person's knees touch while st

Cardiac stress test hospital

Cardiac Stress Test: Types, Duration, Risks, Side Effects, and Procedure

A cardiac stress test is a valuable diagnostic tool used to assess the heart's response to physical exertion or stres

Skin rashes treatment hospital in Noida

To Know Skin Rash: Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Prevention Tips

Skin rashes are a common dermatological issue that can affect individuals of all ages.

Best hospital for carotid artery surgery

Outcomes of TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR): A Systematic Review by Felix Hospitals

Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) is a novel and increasingly popular procedure aimed at preventing stroke

The Impact of Sugar on Health

The Impact of Sugar on Health: Alternatives and Tips to Cut Down

Sugar is an omnipresent part of our modern diet.

Top ENT Specialists in Noida

Laser Revolution in ENT Surgeries: Precision, Benefits & Advancements Treatment

In the realm of modern medical advancements, laser technology has revolutionized

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Know the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely recognized and effective form of psychother


Chemotherapy: How Many Types & How They Work

Chemotherapy is a cornerstone of cancer treatment, using powerful drugs to target and destroy cancer cells.

Best hospital for respiratory Infection Treatment

Upper Respiratory Infections (Colds): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Upper respiratory infections (URIs), commonly referred to as colds, are among the most common health concerns affecti

Spinal Cord Injury: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Spinal Cord Injury: Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) can significantly impact an individual's mobility, sensation,

Gum Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Gum Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an inflammatory condition that affects

Best dry eye treatment hospital

Suffering from Dry Eyes?: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Cost

Are your eyes constantly feeling dry, irritated, or sensitive to light?

Can Counseling Help Save a Marriage?

Can Counseling Help Save a Marriage?

Yes, counseling can help save a marriage.

Best Hospital for Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Treatment

What Are the 7 Different Types of Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis eczema, is a chronic skin condition affecting mill

Tuberculosis of the Hip Joint

Tuberculosis of the Hip Joint: Understanding, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Tuberculosis (TB) is primarily known as a respiratory infection caused by Mycobacterium tu

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis: Causes, Symptoms, & Diagnosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, often debilitating disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS).

Best Hospital for Moles Removal in Noida

How to Remove Moles from Face Permanently: A Detailed Guide by Felix Hospital

Moles are common skin growths that appear as small, pigmented spots.

best hospital for dengue virus infection

Dengue Virus Infection: Risk Factors, Prevention, Treatment & Latest Trends

Dengue virus infection is a significant public health concern, especially in tropical and subtropical regions where i

How Much Does It Cost to Whiten Teeth?

How Much Does It Cost to Whiten Teeth?

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments that can significantly enhance your smile.

Anemia in Pregnancy

Anemia in Pregnancy: Dietary Tips & Medical Solutions

Anemia is a common condition during pregnancy, affecting a significant number of expectant mothers worldwide.

Radiology services hospital

What is The Role of Communication in Radiology?

Radiology testing is a vital medical field that uses imaging technologies such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and ultraso

Best hospital for pulmonology treatment in Noida

What is Hemoptysis (Coughing up Blood) - Causes, and Signs of an Emergency?

Coughing up blood, or hemoptysis, can be alarming and may indicate a serious underlying medical condition.

best hospital for vascular surgery in Noida

5 Things You Should Know About Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including a growing numbe

Urinary tract cancer treatment

The Importance of Early Detection in Urinary Tract Cancers

Urinary tract cancers, encompassing bladder, kidney, and ureter cancers, are serious conditions that can significantl

best kidney stone treatment hospital in Noida

Kidney Stone Management: Prevention Through Precautions

Kidney stones are small, hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys.

Best Pediatric surgery Hospital in Noida

Common Pediatric Surgeries: Understanding Procedures and Care

Pediatric surgery is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the surgical treatment of children.

best prostate cancer hospital in Noida

Understanding Prostate Cancer: Awareness, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Prostate cancer is among the most prevalent cancers affecting men globally.

best heart surgery hospital in Noida

When Heart Surgery is Required and When It’s Not: Understanding the Procedure, Preparation, and Risks

Heart surgery is a complex and critical medical procedure that can save lives, restore health, and improve quality of

Vaginal Bleeding & Infections in Pregnancy

Vaginal Bleeding & Infections in Pregnancy: Signs You Can't Ignore

Pregnancy is a time of significant change, both physically and emotionally, for expectant mothers.

Best Pediatric surgery Hospital in Noida

Healthy Sleep Habits in Children: Tips from Pediatric Professionals

Sleep is a vital component of a child's overall health and development.

Varicose Veins Treatment Hospital

Are Varicose Veins Causing You Trouble?

Varicose veins are more than just a cosmetic concern—they can cause discomfort, and pain, and lead to more serious he

Thyroid Health During Pregnancy

Thyroid Health During Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy is a crucial period for both the mother and the developing fetus.

Best Hospital for Cochlear Implant Surgery

Know About Cochlear Implants for Hearing: A Comprehensive Guide

Hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide, making it difficult for individuals to communicate, engage in soci

Orthognathic Surgery vs. Traditional Braces

Orthognathic Surgery vs. Traditional Braces: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to correcting dental and facial irregularities, two common options often discussed are orthognathic sur

Best Hospital for Malaria treatment

Malaria: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

Malaria remains one of the most prevalent and deadly diseases in the world, particularly a

Lupus Nephritis

Lupus Nephritis: Understanding This Autoimmune Kidney Disease

Lupus nephritis is a significant complication of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimm

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis: Understanding, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic autoimmune condition that affects both the skin and joints.


Glomerulonephritis: An Overview of This Kidney Disorder

Glomerulonephritis (GN) refers to a range of kidney diseases characterized by inflammation

Best Tonsils treatment Hospital in Noida

To Know More About Tonsil Surgery: Preparation, Risks, and Cost

Have your tonsils removed through surgery. A procedure known as tonsillectomy, Is quite common.

Best Pulmonary Edema Hospital in Noida

Pulmonary Edema: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

The buildup of fluid in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema, is a serious health condition

Best hospital for adenoid removal surgery

Understanding Adenoidectomy (Adenoid Removal): Surgery Treatment and Recovery

Adenoidectomy surgery is a well-established procedure designed to address issues related to enlarged adenoids, which

Pacemakers Surgery treatment in Noida

Why Wireless Pacemakers Are a Game Changer for Heart Patients

Pacemakers have been an essential tool in cardiology, providing life-saving intervention for individuals with arrhyth

Top 10 serious pregnancy complications you should know about

Top 10 Serious Pregnancy Complications You Should Know About

Expecting a baby is a hopeful journey that can also bring about unexpected hurdles along the wa

Acute Kidney Injury

Acute Kidney Injury: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a critical condition that requires immediate medical attention due to its rapid onset an

The Role of Diet in Managing Kidney Disease

The Role of Diet in Managing Kidney Disease

Kidney disease, whether acute or chronic, affects millions of people globally and is often a silent, progressive cond

Risks of Postponing Total Knee Replacement Surgery

The Risks of Postponing Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee pain and arthritis are increasingly common conditions, particularly among older adults.

Best MRI Scan Center in Noida

MRI Scans: Understanding the Process, Types, and Costs

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a revolutionary technology that allows doctors to see inside your body in great d

Top Speech Therapy Hospital

Empowering Expression: The Top Speech Therapy Techniques

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, allowing us to connect, express, and understand one anoth

Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy

Dealing with Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Causes and Relief Techniques

Pregnancy is a remarkable period filled with anticipation and joy, but it also brings its set of challenges.

 Risk Factors for Hypertension

खतरनाक है हाइपरटेंशन, जानिये इसके लक्षण, कारण और बचाव

हाइपरटेंशन जिसे उच्च रक्तचाप भी कहा जाता है। हाइपरटेंशन एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें आपके रक्त का दबाव आपकी धमनियों की दीव

Best Hospital for General Physicians

Treating Cold and Cough with the Best General Physician in Noida

Dealing with a cold or persistent cough is something most of us have experienced multiple times in our lives.

Best Hospital for Hair Loss or seeking expert advice

Hair Loss in Women: Types, Treatments, and Prevention Options

Hair loss can be an incredibly distressing experience, especially for women.

Best neonatology Hospital in Noida

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): What to Expect & Resources

When a newborn needs specialized medical attention, they may be admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Tonsil stones removal surgery procedure

Get Rid Of Tonsils Through Coblation Technique

Tonsils are small, oval-shaped glands located at the back of the throat that help to fight infections by filtering ou

 Costs of Home Care Services in Noida

Choosing Between Home Care and Assisted Living, for Your Loved One

Taking care of your family members is a significant and delicate choice that numerous families confront today as our

Best homeopathic treatment in Noida

Cost Effectiveness And Efficacy Of Homeopathy In Primary Health Care

Homeopathy, an alternative form of medicine, has been gaining increasing attention for its cost-effectiveness and lon

Celiac Disease

Understanding Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Gluten-Free Living

Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder that affects million

Managing Chronic Conditions

Managing Chronic Conditions: Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Chronic conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are serious health concerns that

Best Hospital for skin infection treatment in noida

त्वचा संक्रमण: यह क्या है, लक्षण, कारण, उपचार ,कीमत और दुष्प्रभाव

त्वचा संक्रमण (Skin Infection) तब होता है जब बैक्टीरिया, वायरस, फंगस या परजीवी त्वचा में घुसकर संक्रमण फैलाते हैं। ये

Pediatric Rheumatology

Pediatric Rheumatology: Managing Rheumatic Diseases in Children

Concerns arise when children develop diseases for parents and healthcare providers alike.

Felix Hospital Expands to Greater Noida

Felix Hospital Expands to Greater Noida: Enhanced Care, Closer to You

Felix Hospital has proudly expanded its services to Greater Noida, continuing its legacy of providing top-notch medic

Best pneumonia treatment Hospital in Noida

Pneumonia: A Simple Detailed Guide On Everything You Need To Know

Pneumonia is a severe respiratory infection that affects millions of people worldwide each year.

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes

How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes with Smart Lifestyle Tips?

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy, typically between the 24th and 28th weeks.

Leukemia Cancer

Leukemia Cancer: Meaning, Symptoms, Causes, Types & Treatment

Being told you have leukemia cancer can feel like a lot to take in for both the person diagnosed and their family and

Vascular surgery Treatment Hospital

What Is Vascular Surgery and When Is It Needed?

Vascular surgery is a specialized branch of surgery that focuses on the diagnosis, management, and treatment of disea

Pharmacy healthcare services

Connecting Medical and Pharmacy Benefits to Improve Care and Lower Costs in Noida

In the world of healthcare services today it's crucial to prioritize providing patients with effective and affordable

Role of Probiotics in Digestive Health

The Role of Probiotics in Digestive Health: What You Need to Know

Over the past few years, probiotics have garnered considerable interest for their ability

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Tips and Treatment Options

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive disorder that affects many individuals, causing discomfort and i

Best Heart Surgery Hospital in Noida

Heart Attack Versus Stroke: Understanding the Difference

Heart attacks and strokes are both serious medical emergencies that can have devastating effects on health and well-b

Best Piles surgery treatment in Noida at affordable Price

बवासीर (पाइल्स) में परहेज क्यों जरूरी है ? देखें, बवासीर में क्या खाना चाहिए

बवासीर (पाइल्स), जिसे हेमोरॉयड्स भी कहा जाता है। एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें गुदा और मलाशय (रेक्टम) के न

हैजा क्या है? यह हैं इसके लक्षण, प्रकार, कारण, बचाव, इलाज

हैजा क्या है? यह हैं इसके लक्षण, प्रकार, कारण, बचाव, इलाज

हैजा (Cholera) एक संक्रामक रोग है, जो विब्रियो कोलेरी नामक बैक्टीरिया के संक्रमण से होता ह

Piles Laser Treatment in Noida

Best Doctors for Piles Laser Treatment in Noida with Cost

Piles otherwise known as hemorrhoids are essentially swollen and inflamed veins in the lower rectum and around anus t

Best Laparoscopic surgery treatment

How Lifestyle Habits Can Lead to Laparoscopic Surgical Procedures?

Laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive technique also known as keyhole surgery, has revolutionized the field of s

Best Glaucoma treatment hospital

A Guide to Living with Glaucoma: Management and Prevention Tips

Glaucoma is often called the "silent thief of sight" due to its gradual and often unnoticeable progression.

Blood Cancer

Blood Cancer: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment, and Survival Rate

Blood cancer, also known as hematologic cancer, affects the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic system.

Best Gallbladder stone surgery hospital in Noida

Gallbladder Stone Surgery Using Minimally Invasive Methods

Gallbladder stone surgery using minimally invasive methods, commonly known as laparoscopic cholecystectomy, offers a

Vaginal Infections

योनि संक्रमण: लक्षण, प्रकार, कारण, इलाज और बचाव

वजाइनल इंफेक्शन, जिसे योनि संक्रमण भी कहा जाता है, महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करने वाली एक आम स्वास्थ्य समस्या

Best Felix Healthcare Private Limited in Noida

Felix Healthcare Private Limited: Delivering Exceptional Medical Services

Felix Healthcare Private Limited stands at the forefront of healthcare excellence in India.

Cataracts Surgery treatment in Noida

What Are The Effects Of Delayed Cataract Operation?

Taking care of your eyes is like ensuring the windows to your world stay clear and bright.

Heart disease in women

Women and Heart Disease: Understanding the Risks and Prevention

Recent studies show that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death among women, accounting for 1 in 4 fe

Early Signs of Lupus in Females

Early Signs of Lupus in Females: What You Need to Know

Lupus is a complex autoimmune disease that can impact various parts of the body and often manif

best Laser treatment for piles in Noida

The Ultimate Guide to Laser Treatment for Piles: Everything You Need to Know

Piles, also known as hemorrhoids, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus that can cause discomfort, pain, and

Nutrition for Bone Healing

Nutrition for Bone Healing: Foods That Promote Recovery

When it comes to healing bones after an injury or surgery, nutrition plays a crucial role.

Best Pilonidal Cyst treatment Hospital

Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Procedures and Recovery

A pilonidal cyst is a condition characterized by a cyst or abscess located near the tailbone, often containing hair,

Best Piles treatment Surgery hospital in Noida

Piles Management: Lifestyle Changes for Hemorrhoids Relief

Hemorrhoids, commonly referred to as piles, are swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus that can cause significant

best Homeopathy hospital in Noida

6 Common Myths about Homeopathy

Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and is often surrounded by myths and confusion.

best cataract surgery hospital in Noida

The 9 Biggest Myths About Cataracts - Felix Eye Care

Cataracts, a prevalent eye condition marked by the clouding of the eye’s lens, can significantly impact vision.

Best eye treatment hospital Noida

Tips to Take Care of Your Eyes During Summer and Monsoon

Our eyes are one of the most sensitive organs, requiring special care throughout the year, especially during the summ

Gas and Bloating During Pregnancy: Causes and Relief

Gas and Bloating During Pregnancy: Causes and Relief

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it often comes with uncomfortable symptoms like gas, bloa

Vaginal Infection

How to Cure Vaginal Infection?

Dealing with a vaginal infection can be uncomfortable and distressing, but understanding the ri

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)

COPD Diet: 8 Foods to Eat When You Have COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can make everyday tasks challenging, especially when it comes to maintai


Hepatitis: Causes, Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Approaches

Hepatitis is a condition where the liver becomes inflamed, which can

Gut Brain Connection

Gut Health and Mental Wellness: Discover the Powerful Connection

The intricate and complex relationship linking

Best Vascular Surgery Hospital in Noida

Vascular Surgery - Types, Benefits, Risks, and Recovery

Vascular surgery could simply be described as the branch of surgery that deals with anatomy of vessels, arteries or v

 Symptoms of Glaucoma Treatment in Noida

कहीं आप ग्लूकोमा के शिकार तो नहीं, इन लक्षणों से अलर्ट हो जाएं-हो सकते हैं अंधे

ग्लूकोमा एक जटिल और गंभीर आंखों की बीमारी है जो आंखों के ऑप्टिक नर्व को नुकसान पहुंचाने का कारण बनती है। यह स्थिति प्

How to Burp Your Baby

How to Burp Your Baby: Basics, Purpose & Best Tips to Positions

As a new parent, you might notice your baby becoming fussy or irritable during or after feedings.

Best Varicose Veins treatment in Noida

Varicose Veins - Know About It’s Treatment

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects many people, particularly as they age.

Best Anesthesia treatment hospital in Noida

General Anesthesia: Procedure, Benefits, Risks, and Preparation

General anesthesia is a crucial medical procedure that allows patients to undergo complex surgeries and other medical

Eye Infections Against Pollution

How to Avoid Eye Infections Against Pollution?

Air pollution is a major health risk for all ages, causing respiratory and eye issues.

 Costs of Home Care Services in Noida

Decoding the Costs of Home Care Services in Noida

As the population ages and the preference for receiving care in the comfort of one's home increases, understanding th

best physiotherapy services

Best Physiotherapy Services for Home Visit in Noida Sector 137

Physiotherapy is an essential practice in treating and preventing many forms of disorder or dysfunction based on the

Chemotherapy in Hindi

क्यों जरूरी होती है कीमोथेरेपी? -कैंसर की जंग जीतने में मदद करती है

कीमोथेरेपी (Chemotherapy) एक प्रकार का इलाज है जो कैंसर के उपचार के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। इसमें विशेष दवाओं का उपयो

What is Brain Stroke

ब्रेन स्ट्रोक (Brain Stroke): प्रकार, कारण, लक्षण, बचाव और इलाज

ब्रेन स्ट्रोक एक गंभीर चिकित्सा स्थिति है जिसमें मस्तिष्क को पर्याप्त रक्त की आपूर्ति नहीं

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Management Strategies

Living with gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD, can be a challenging experience.

Renal Osteodystrophy

Renal Osteodystrophy: How Kidney Disease Affects Your Bones

When we think about kidney disease, we often focus on its impact on renal function and overall health.

Best Hospital for Mpox Treatment in Noida

Mpox (Monkeypox): Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Craig, what the world has known in recent times as monkeypox, now referred to as Mpox, has emerged as a significant h

Food Poisoning Symptoms

Food Poisoning: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, and Treatment

Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, arises from consuming food or beverages contaminated with harmful ba

Best Appendicitis Appendix Surgery

Appendix Surgery Recovery – How to Manage Pain and Discomfort

Appendicitis is a common medical condition that affects people worldwide.

11 Essential Monsoon Skin Care Tips & Tricks

11 Essential Monsoon Skin Care Tips & Tricks

The monsoon season, with its cooler temperatures and increased humidity, brings a welcome change from the intense hea

जनिये क्या है ल्यूपस (Lupus) , कैसे दिखते हैं इसके लक्षण और क्या है बचाव

जनिये क्या है ल्यूपस (Lupus) , कैसे दिखते हैं इसके लक्षण और क्या है बचाव

ल्यूपस (Lupus) एक ऑटोइम्यून रोग है, जिसमें व्यक्ति की इम्यून सिस्टम उसकी अपनी ही शरीर की स्वस्थ कोशिकाओं और ऊतकों पर

Jaundice diet

Jaundice Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid

Jaundice is a condition characterized by the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes due to an excess of bilirub

Epilepsy Treatment in Noida

Epilepsy: Causes, Symptoms, Stages & Treatment

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which nerve cells in the brain fail to signal corre

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Ovarian cancer is one of the most serious and life-threatening gynecological cancers, affecting thousands of women wo

Best Gallstones treatment Hospital in Noida

Everything You Need to Know About Gallstones

Gallstones are a significant medical condition affecting millions of people worldwide.

Best Radiodiagnosis services in Noida

Best Radiodiagnosis Services: Your Guide to Top-Quality Diagnostic Care

In the realm of modern medicine, radiodiagnosis plays a pivotal role in the accurate detection, diagnosis, and monito

Cost of Knock Knee Surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Knock Knee Surgery in Noida

Knock knee surgery, or genu valgum correction, is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting

Testicular Pain

Testicular Pain: Causes, Treatment, and Diagnosis

Testicular pain is a condition that can cause significant discomfort and concern for many men.


Gout: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Management Strategies

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that has troubled individuals for centuries, mark

Knock Knees in Children

Knock Knees in Children: When to Seek Medical Advice

Knock knees, medically known as genu valgum, is a common condition in young children where the knees angle inward and

एलबेंडाजोल (Albendazole) 400 mg

एलबेंडाजोल (Albendazole) 400 दवा का उपयोग कब और क्यों करना चाहिए?

एलबेंडाजोल 400 एक प्रभावी एंटीपैरासिटिक दवा है, जिसका उपयोग मुख्य रूप से शरीर में विभिन्न प्रकार के कृमियों (वार्म) क

Anal fissures treatments Hospital in Noida

A Comprehensive Overview of Anal Fissure, Perianal Abscess, and Anal Fistula

Anorectal disorders affect millions globally, with anal fissures, perianal abscesses, and anal fistulas being particu

Inguinal Hernia Treatment Hospital in Noida

Understanding Inguinal Hernia Treatment Options in Noida

Inguinal hernias are a widespread medical issue impacting millions globally, and Noida, a bustling city in the Nation

Best Anesthesia treatment cost in noida

Anesthesia and its Relevance on World Anesthesia Day 2024-2025

Anesthesia is a crucial component of modern medicine, enabling complex surgical procedures to be performed painlessly

Best Speech therapy Hospital in Noida

Communication: Transformative Power of Effective Speech Therapy

Communication is fundamental to human interaction, influencing personal relationships, professional success, and over

Best Glaucoma treatment noida

Glaucoma: Cause of Preventable Blindness and How to Combat It

Glaucoma, often referred to as the "silent thief of sight," is a group of eye conditions that can cause irreversible

Best Enlarged adenoids treatment Hospital

Enlarged Adenoids: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, and Cost

Adenoids, while often overlooked, play a crucial role in our body's immune system.

Albendazole 400 mg

Albendazole 400 mg Tablet: Uses, Dosage, Precautions, & Side Effects

Albendazole 400 mg tablets are a widely prescribed medication used to treat parasitic worm infections in both adults

The best heart hospital in Noida

Life's Simple Seven Guide to the Health of Your Heart

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress is our constant companion,it's easy to overlook the well-being of our most

Best Pulmonology Hospital in Noida

Pulmonary Embolism: Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, and Treatment

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a critical condition that arises when a blood clot blocks one or more arteries in the lung

11 Thyroid-Friendly Foods

11 Thyroid-Friendly Foods: Boosting Thyroid Health and Wellness

Thyroid health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being, as thyroid hormones regulate essential bodily functions

Best ophthalmologist hospital in Noida

Eye Surgery Myths Busted: Why Summer is the Right Time for Procedure

When considering eye surgery, selecting the right specialist is of utmost importance.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD Nutrition Guide: 5 Diet Tips for People with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) presents numerous challenges, but with proper management and

How to Pass Kidney Stones Fast

How to Pass Kidney Stones Fast?

Kidney stones are a common and often painful condition affecting millions globally.

Hydrocele in Hindi

हाइड्रोसील का इलाज, प्रकार, कारण, बचाव, और लक्षण

हाइड्रोसील एक चिकित्सा स्थिति है जिसमें अंडकोश (स्क्रोटम) में तरल पदार्थ का संचय हो जाता है, जिससे अंडकोश सूज जाता है

Epithelial Cells in Urine Hindi

यूरिन में एपिथेलियल सैल्स की समस्या को ना करें नजरअंदाज

यूरिन (मूत्र) में एपिथेलियल सैल्स आमतौर पर तब पाई जाती हैं जब एपिथेलियल सैल्स मूत्रमार्ग, ब्लैडर, यूरिटर्स या किडनी स

Cancer Treatment in Children in Hindi

बच्चों में कैंसर का उपचार: विशेष चुनौतियां और समाधान

बच्चों में कैंसर एक गंभीर चिकित्सा स्थिति है, लेकिन प्रारंभिक पहचान और सही उपचार से इसे ठीक किया जा सकता है। बच्चों म

Best Heart Attack treatment Hospital in Noida

Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs of a Heart Attack

Recognizing heart attack signs early is crucial because timely intervention can significantly reduce the risk of seve

Pregnancy Diet Chart

Pregnancy Diet Chart: A Month by Month Guide for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is a miraculous journey that brings about significant changes in a woman's body, both

Lactose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Lactose Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

Lactose intolerance is a common digestive issue that affects millions of people worldwide.

Rotablation Coronary Angiography

Rotablation Coronary Angiography: A Breakthrough in Cardiac Care

In the realm of cardiovascular medicine, rotablation coronary angiography stands out as an advanced technique for dia

health awareness days 2024

India's Health Awareness: National & International Days 2024

Health awareness is pivotal for fostering healthier lifestyles and preventing diseases.

Best Asthma Treatment Hospital

Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention

Asthma occurs due to inflammation and mucus in the lining of the airways.

Leadless pacemaker in Noida

The Leadless Pacemaker: A Game Changer

Medical advancements are continually reshaping patient care, with new technologies leading the way to better outcomes

Best Laparoscopic Surgery Hospital in Noida

6 Tips for Quick Recovery After Laparoscopy Surgery in Noida

Recovery from laparoscopy surgery can be a demanding process, with the duration of healing varying from person to per

Pigmentation in Hindi Meaning

पिगमेंटेशन के लक्षण, प्रकार, कारण, बचाव, इलाज

पिगमेंटेशन त्वचा के रंग में बदलाव को संदर्भित करता है। यह तब होता है जब त्वचा में मेलानिन नामक पिगमेंट की मात्रा में

Nasal Airway obstruction surgery Hospital in Noida

Best Nasal Airways Obstruction Treatment in Noida

Nasal Airway Obstruction (NAO) is a common condition affecting millions globally, requiring a clear understanding of

Barrett's Esophagus

Barrett's Esophagus: Treatment, Medication, and Management Strategies

Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a condition that affects or erodes the lining of the esophagus, the tube that carries foo

Prostate Cancer Treatment in Noida

Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the prostate gland, a small, walnut-sized organ in men that pr

Widal Test Cost in Noida

Understanding the Widal Test: Cost, Purpose, and Procedure

The Widal test is an essential diagnostic tool used to detect typhoid fever, a bacterial i

Peptic Ulcer Diet

Peptic Ulcer Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Peptic ulcers can result from prolonged use of certain medications or from infection with the b

World Lung Cancer Day

World Lung Cancer Day 2024: Raising Awareness and Inspiring Hope

August 1st, 2024 marks another important observance of World Lung Cancer Day.

Best Heart attack Surgery Hospital

Recognizing Heart Attack Signs in Summers : Effective Management Tips

With many regions experiencing High temperatures and high humidity this summer, a global force for longer, healthier

Meet the Best Dietician in Noida

Meet the Best Dieticians in Noida: Transform Your Health Today

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can pose challenges.

MP Smear Test

MP Smear Test - Symptoms, Cost, Purpose and Procedure

MP Smear Test, or Malaria Parasite (MP) test is commonly performed to detect the presence of malaria parasites in the

Best Eye Surgery Hospital in Noida

6 Essential Things That You Should Do Before Eye Surgery: Eye Care

Eye surgery can be a life-changing procedure, offering improved vision and quality of life for many patients.

Top 10 Plastic Surgery Treatments in Noida

Top 10 Plastic Surgery Treatments in Noida

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more people seeking to enhance their appearance

Top 10 Plastic Surgery Treatments in Noida

Top 10 Plastic Surgery Treatments in Noida

Plastic surgery has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more people seeking

World Breastfeeding Week: Global Perspectives and Initiatives

World Breastfeeding Week(1st - 7th Aug): Global Perspectives and Initiatives

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW), celebrated annually from August 1st to 7th, is a global campaig

Radiology Services in Noida

Interventional Radiology: Revolutionizing Diagnosis and Treatment

Interventional radiology (IR) is a crucial medical specialty that uses imaging techniques and minimally invasive proc

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency in Children

Symptoms of Iron Deficiency in Children

Iron deficiency  anemia is a common health problem in children.

11 Nutrition Tips for Breastfeeding Moms: What to Eat and What to Avoid

11 Nutrition Tips for Breastfeeding Moms: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Breastfeeding is a crucial phase for both mother and baby, requiring thoughtful dietary choices

The Cost of Cochlear Implant Surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Cochlear Implant Surgery in Noida

Cochlear implant surgery is a transformative procedure designed to restore hearing in individuals with severe to prof

Radiation Therapy Cost In Noida

Decoding the Cost of Radiation Therapy in Noida

Radiation therapy is a cornerstone in the treatment of various cancers, utilizing high doses of radiation to target a

साइलेंट हार्ट अटैक (Silent Heart Attack)

साइलेंट हार्ट अटैक (Silent Heart Attack) की पहचान और उपचार- लक्षण, रोकथाम

साइलेंट हार्ट अटैक (Silent Heart Attack) या "साइलेंट मायोकार्डियल इंफार्क्शन" एक ऐसा स्थिति है जिसमे

Best Pulmonology Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Pulmonary Disease Treatment in Noida

Pulmonary diseases encompass a broad spectrum of conditions affecting the lungs and respiratory system, including ast

GERD Medical and Surgical Treatment

Decoding the Cost of GERD Medical and Surgical Treatment

A Nissen fundoplication is a surgical procedure designed to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Ovarian Cancer Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Ovarian Cancer Treatment in Noida

Ovarian cancer is a serious health concern that affects thousands of women in India each y

Best hospital for treadmill tests

The Role of a Treadmill Stress Test in Cardiovascular Assessment

A Treadmill Stress Test, also known as an Exercise Stress Test or TMT medical test, evaluates the hea

Best Pacemaker Treatment Hospital

Preparing for Pacemaker Implantation: What You Need to Know

A pacemaker is a tiny device implanted in the chest or abdomen to regulate abnormal heart rhythms.

Typhoid in Hindi

टाइफाइड (Typhoid in Hindi): लक्षण, कारण, इलाज और बचाव

टाइफाइड का अर्थ हिंदी में (typhoid in Hindi meaning) - टाइफाइड एक गंभीर बैक्टीरियल संक्रमण है जो सल्मोनेला टाइफी (Sal

How To Improve Gut Health Naturally?

How To Improve Gut Health Naturally?

Your gut health is super important for your overall well-being.

Eye Flu Treatment in Noida

Eye Flu (Conjunctivitis): Types, Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Eye flu, also known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye problem that can affect anyone.

infant weight gain after birth

Tracking Infant Weight Gain: What Every Parent Should Know

Gaining weight is not always a negative thing, but it's crucial to understand the difference between healthy and unhe

Decoding the Cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Noida

Living with chronic shoulder pain can significantly impact one's quality of life, hindering mobility and limiting dai

The Stent Experience: From Angioplasty to Recovery in Cardiology

The Stent Experience: From Angioplasty to Recovery in Cardiology

A stent is a small, metal tube that keeps your artery open, allowing better blood flow.

Lung Cancer in Hindi

फेफड़े का कैंसर लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

फेफड़े का कैंसर एक प्रकार का कैंसर है जो फेफड़ों में शुरू होता है। यह तब होता है जब फेफड़ों में कोशिकाएं असामान्य रूप

Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation During Pregnancy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Constipation is a common and uncomfortable part of pregnancy. However, simple lifestyle changes can provide relief.

best hernia surgery in noida

Recognizing Hernias: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options

A hernia typically occurs in the abdomen or groin when an organ pushes through the muscle or tissue that normally con

Best Treatments of भगंदर (Fistula)

भगंदर : जानिए इसके लक्षण से लेकर इलाज तक के बारे में सब कुछ

भगंदर (Fistula) एक प्रकार की चिकित्सा स्थिति है जिसमें दो अंगों के बीच खाली जगह बन जाती है। यह आमतौर पर गुदा के आसपास

Sexually Transmitted Infection

Sexually Transmitted Infection: All You Need to Know

A sexually transmitted infection (sexually transmitted disease) is a serious condition that can develop after sexual

Vaginal Tightening Cost in Noida

Decoding the Vaginal Tightening Cost in Noida

Vaginoplasty is a delicate procedure performed by experienced Plastic Surgeons for both co

best Ophthalmology Hospital in Noida

Everything You Want To Know About Ophthalmology

Ophthalmology is the branch of medicine that deals with eye conditions.

Best Cardiac Hospital in Noida

Choosing the Right Cardiac Hospital: Key Factors to Consider

Heart diseases, also known as cardiac issues, are among the leading causes of death worldwide.

Depression during pregnancy

Depression During Pregnancy: How It Affect You And Your Baby

If you're expecting, you've probably come across postpartum depression, but did you know that depression can also occ

Noida's Leading Dentists

Meet Noida's Leading Dentists at Felix Hospital

Dentistry is a vital branch of healthcare that focuses on maintaining the health and well-being of teeth, gums, and t

Best eye hospital, offering affordable prices in Noida

Glaucoma : Understanding Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Glaucoma, a complex and progressive eye condition, is a leading cause of irreversible visi

Peptic Ulcer

Peptic Ulcer: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment

Peptic ulcers are a common gastrointestinal condition that can cause significant discomfort and, if left untreated, l

Diarrhea Ke Lakshan

डायरिया के कारण, लक्षण, निवारण, बचाव और इलाज

डायरिया, जिसे हिंदी में अतिसार या दस्त कहा जाता है, एक सामान्य स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसमें व्यक्ति को बार-बार पतला मल

Best Radiodiagnosis Services Hospital in Noida

Understanding Radiology: A Window into Your Health

Radiology is a medical specialty that utilizes various imaging techniques to diagnose, monitor, and treat a wide rang

Facelift Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Facelift Surgery Cost in Noida

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to improve


पेप्टिक अल्सर के लक्षण, प्रकार, कारण, निवारण और बचाव

पेप्टिक अल्सर एक तरह का पेट का रोग है जिसमें पेट के अंदरी भाग में (जैसे कि पेट का ऊपरी हिस्सा, अल्सर) या आंतों में (अ


Dysentery: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Preventions

Dysentery is an inflammatory condition of the intestine, typically caused by bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection

Best Refractive Lens Exchange hospital

Choosing the Right Eye Surgery: LASIK, SMILE, ProSMILE, or Clear

When it comes to correcting vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, several surgical o

The Potential Link Between Mouthwash and Cancer

Overview: The Potential Link Between Mouthwash and Cancer

Some recent studies suggest that using mouthwash every day might increase the risk of colorectal cancer (cancer of th

Best Hemorrhoids Surgery in Noida

Which Type of Surgery Is Best for Piles?

Many cases of piles can be treated with lifestyle changes and non-surgical methods, some may require surgical interve

IUI Cost in Noida

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Treatment Cost : A Path to Parenthood

Infertility can be a challenging and emotional journey for many couples.

Cataract Surgery Treatment Meaning in Hindi

मोतियाबिंद(Cataract Disease) के लक्षण, कारण और निवारण

अगर आपको दूर या पास का कम दिखाई दे, गाड़ी ड्राइव करने में समस्या हो या आप दूसरे व्यक्ति के

Abortion Charges in Noida

Abortion Charges in Noida - 100% Safe Process

Abortion, also known as pregnancy termination, is a sensitive medical procedure that involves ending a pregnancy.

Atezolizumab Injection Price

Atezolizumab Injection: Price, Side Effects, and More

Atezolizumab is a revolutionary medication used in the fight against various types of cancer.

Arrhythmia Treatment Hospital in Noida

Everything Know About Arrhythmia: When Your Heart Skips a Beat

The human heart is a marvel of biological engineering, tirelessly pumping blood through our bodies with a steady, rhy

Macular Degeneration Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding The Macular Degeneration Surgery Cost In Noida

When it comes to your vision, finding the right macular degeneration treatment is paramount.

Eardrum perforation surgery hospital in Noida

Understanding Eardrum Perforation And Its Treatment

Eardrum perforation, also known as tympanic membrane perforation, is a condition where there is a hole or tear in the

Brain Stroke Symptoms

Symptoms of Brain Stroke: A Vital Health Alert

When it comes to neurological health, timely intervention is crucial.

Female Sexual Problems

Female Sexual Problems: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Sexual health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often neglected or stigmatiz

Kidney Stone in Hindi

गुर्दे की पथरी : लक्षण, कारण, उपचार और रोकथाम के उपाय

गुर्दे की पथरी खनिजों और अन्य पदार्थों से बने क्रिस्टल के समूह होते हैं, जो आपके मूत्र पथ में बनते हैं। ज़्यादातर पथर

Best Laparoscopic Surgery Hospital in Noida

Laparoscopic Surgery: An Overview of Procedure, Benefits, Cost

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is a modern surgical technique that has revolutionize

Gym Diet

10 Best Foods to Include in Your Gym Diet

Whether you're hitting the weights to build muscle or hitting the treadmill to shed pounds, what you eat plays a cruc

ENT surgery hospitals in Noida

The Pros and Cons of Attending an ENT Surgery Hospital in Noida

Noida, a thriving city adjacent to India’s capital, New Delhi, is home to numerous specialized hospitals, including t

पेट में अल्सर

पेट में अल्सर के कारण, लक्षण, उपचार और निवारण

अल्सर एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या हो सकती है, लेकिन सही समय पर पहचान और उपचार से इसे नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। स्वस्थ

immunotherapy types

Immunotherapy: A Revolutionary Approach in Cancer Treatment

Immunotherapy represents a groundbreaking advancement in cancer treatment, utilizing the body's immune system to comb

Worst Food for Your Teeth According to a Dentist

Worst Food for Your Teeth According to a Dentist

A healthy smile is a reflection of overall well-being, and what you eat plays a significan

Treating Diabetes

Treating Diabetes Naturally: An Overview

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

Cataract Surgery Cost in Noida

Understanding The Importance Of Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are like little cloudy spots that develop on the lens of your eye.

Ankle Replacement surgery cost

Decoding the Cost of Ankle Replacement Surgery in Noida

Ankle replacement surgery, also known as ankle arthroplasty, is a procedure aimed at relieving pain and restoring fun

Chemotherapy Treatment in Noida

Chemotherapy Treatment, Side Effect and Cost

Chemotherapy is a critical treatment option for many cancer patients.

Plastic Surgery

Overview Of Plastic Surgery : Types, Benefits And Cost

Plastic surgery involves changing specific parts of your body to address medical concerns or improve how you look.

migraine meaning in hindi

माइग्रेन के लक्षण (Migraine Symptoms in Hindi), कारण और निवारण

माइग्रेन एक गंभीर सिरदर्द है। जो आमतौर पर सिर के एक हिस्से में तीव्र दर्द के रूप में प्रकट होता है। इसे केवल सिरदर्द

गठिया रोग

गठिया: जोड़ों के दर्द का कारण और इलाज

गठिया बाय (gathiya bai), जिसे अंग्रेजी में आर्थ्राइटिस कहा जाता है। एक सामान्य लेकिन गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसके

chest physicians in Noida

Expert Care for Your Breathing Issues: Know About Pulmonologists!

If you've got a cough that just won't quit or you're having trouble catching your breath, your usual doctor might rec

lung cancer symptoms

Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Diagnosis

Lung cancer ranks as the third most prevalent cancer in the world.

How To Reverse Diabetes Permanently?

How to Reverse Diabetes Permanently?

Diabetes, a prevalent condition across all age groups, manifests in various forms, with Type 2 being the most prevale

 Food and Nutrition - Health Benefits of Balanced Diet

Food and Nutrition - Health Benefits of Balanced Diet

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is essential for overall well-being and feeling your best.

Best tonsil Surgery hospital in Noida

Relief in Sight: Tonsil Surgery Solutions at Felix Hospital, Noida

Tonsillectomy is when doctors surgically remove your tonsils.

Maintain Baby Weight For Normal Delivery

How To Maintain Baby Weight For Normal Delivery?

The third trimester of pregnancy is when the fetus gains most of its weight.

Surgery for Broken Elbow Fractures

Reconstructing the Elbow: Surgery for Broken Elbow Fractures

This surgery is performed to treat complex elbow fractures involving multiple bones or a d

9 Easy Exercises for Knee Arthritis to Relieve Pain

9 Easy Exercises for Knee Arthritis to Relieve Pain

Activities like leg lifts and kick-backs, tailored for knee arthritis, aid in fortifying t

Understanding The Causes, Types, Symptoms

Cataract Surgery : Understanding The Causes, Types And Symptoms

Cataract surgery is a common procedure where an eye doctor, or ophthalmologist, removes the cloudy lens from your eye

Cost of Urinary Bladder Stones Surgery in Noida

Decoding The Cost of Urinary Bladder Stones Surgery in Noida

Bladder stones are solid mineral masses found within the bladder.

Dehydration Meaning in Hindi

शरीर में पानी की कमी से होता है डिहाइड्रेशन (Dehydration)

डिहाइड्रेशन यानी (dehydration meaning in hindi) की निर्जलीकरण एक ऐसी स्थिति है। जब हमारा शरीर में पर्याप्त मात्रा में

best angioplasty treatment

Best Coronary Balloon Angioplasty Surgery Hospitals And Cost In Noida

In the field of modern medicine, balloon angioplasty is a revolutionary procedure used to clear block

Angina Pectoris: Understanding Symptoms and Effective Treatment

Angina Pectoris: Understanding Symptoms and Effective Treatment

Angina pectoris, commonly known as angina, is chest pain or discomfort caused by reduced blood flow to the heart musc

Hernia Treatment in Noida

Hernia Treatment: Finding The Right Specialist For You

Hernia are a common medical condition where part of an organ or fatty tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle

Decoding the Cost of Piles Surgery in Noida!

Unlocking Affordable Relief: Decoding the Cost of Piles Surgery in Noida!

Piles or Haemorrhoids, are common and treatable conditions where blood vessels around the rectum become swollen, caus

Best Heart Hospital for Bypass Surgery in Noida

Best Heart Hospital for Bypass Surgery in Noida at Affordable prices

Bypass surgery is a special operation for people with heart problems.

Prevent Arthritis In Your Knees

Proactive Steps To Prevent Arthritis In Your Knees

Arthritis in the knee is a painful condition that gets worse with age. There are two types of arthritis.

Comparing Measles and Chickenpox

Comparing Measles & Chickenpox: Rash, Symptoms, and Visuals

Measles and chickenpox are two sicknesses caused by viruses.

Eczema Treatment In Hindi

होम्योपैथी में जड़ से संभव है एक्जिमा (Eczema) का इलाज

एक्जिमा एक त्वचा रोग है। यह बच्चों के साथ बड़ों दोनों को होता है। एक्जिमा को एटोपिक एक्जिमा के अलावा एटोपिक डर्मेटाइट

Measles in Hindi

मिजल्स (Measles ) से सावधान : बच्चो में बढ़ रहा खसरे का कहर , रखें ध्यान

मिजल्स जिसे हिंदी में (measles in hindi) 'खसरा' के नाम से जाना जाता है। एक अत्यंत संक्रामक वायरल बीमारी है। यह रुबेला

Vitrectomy surgery cost in Noida

Retina Treatment Cost in Noida for Vitrectomy, Detachment & Bucking

Vitrectomy is a surgery to remove vitreous humor, a gel-like substance between lens and retina.


Contraceptive Methods : Birth Control Options

Contraception stands as a cornerstone of modern reproductive healthcare, offering individuals and couples the means t


Fistula Surgery : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Fistulas are abnormal connections or passageways that form between two organs or vessels in the body.

Mumps Disease Be Prevented

Can Mumps Disease Be Prevented? Effective Strategies Revealed

YES, Mumps Disease can be prevented.

Knee Replacement Surgery: Types, Procedure, Recovery, and Cost

Knee Replacement Surgery: Types, Procedure, Recovery, and Cost

Are you tired of living with constant knee pain and limited mobility?

What is Root Canal Treatment

रूट कैनाल ट्रीटमेंट (Root Canal Treatment) : प्रक्रिया, सावधानी, उपचार

दांत में दर्द आम है। बच्चों से लेकर बूढ़े तक दांत में दर्द हो सकता  है। दांत में दर्द के कारण खाना, पीना, उठने-ब


चिकन पॉक्स (माता) होने के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

चिकन पॉक्स(chickenpox) छोटे बच्चों और वयस्क दोनों को होने की संभावना होती है। जब यह होता है तो रोगी बहुत घबरा जाते है

Homeopathy for Eczema

Homeopathy for Eczema: A Natural Path to Skin Health

Have you ever had red, itchy patches on your skin?

Balloon angioplasty in Hindi

हार्ट उपचार के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है बैलून एंजियोप्लास्टी

आधुनिक चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में बैलून एंजियोप्लास्टी (Balloon angioplasty)

Gallbladder Stone Removal Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Gall Bladder Stone Removal Surgery in Noida

Gallbladder stone surgery, also known as cholecystectomy, is a common procedure performed to remove gallstones from t

Indian Diet Chart for Diabetic Patients

Indian Vegetarian Diet Chart for Diabetic Patients

Diabetes is a chronic condition that requires careful management of blood sugar levels.

Angiography Test

हार्ट की बीमारी में बड़े काम की है एंजियोग्राफी जांच(Angiography Test)

कोरोना काल के बाद हार्ट की बीमारी बढ़ गयी है। गैर संक्रामक बीमारी (एनसीडी) में कैंसर के बाद

Cardiac Emergency

Felix Hospital's Swift Response to Cardiac Emergencies

Cardiac emergencies are critical situations involving the heart that require immediate med


हर्निया (Hernia) क्या होता है इसके लक्षण, कारण, प्रकार और इलाज

मांसपेशियां कमजोर होने से मनुष्य को कई तरह की बीमारियां होती हैं। हर्निया उन्हीं में एक है।जब मांसपेशी या उत्तक में छ

Pacemaker Surgery Cost in Noida

Pacemaker Surgery Cost in Noida: What You Need to Know

Pacemaker heart surgery in Noida: Cutting-edge treatment at Felix Hospital, ensuring optimal heart health and improve

Fistula Symptoms in Hindi

फिस्टुला (Fistula Symptoms in Hindi) के लक्षणों को नहीं करें नजरंदाज वर्ना हो सकती है बड़ी समस्या

अगर बात करें फिस्टुला यानी कि भगंदर की समस्या काफी दर्द कारक स्थिति है। मलाशय में संक्रमण के कारण यह समस्या होती है।

Cost of Pilonidal Sinus Surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Pilonidal Sinus Surgery in Noida

A pilonidal sinus is a type of cyst that develops due to a ski

jaundice meaning in Hindi

पीलिया क्या है (Jaundice in Hindi) लक्षण , बचाव और प्रकार

जॉन्डिस या पीलिया शरीर में बिलीरुबिन की बढ़ती मात्रा के कारण होता है, जो लाल रक्त कोशिकाओं के टूटने से बनता है। यह लि

SGPT SGOT high treatment in Noida

एसजीपीटी या एसजीओटी के लिए कारण, लक्षण और निवारण

एसजीपीटी(SGPT) एक तरह का एंजाइम है, जो लिवर में पाया जाता है। यह एंजाइम या सीरम ग्लूटामिक पाइरुविक ट्रांसएमिनेस, जिसे

Cost of Sinus Surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of Sinus Surgery in Noida

Welcome to Felix Hospitals comprehensive guide to sinus surgery, a procedure tailored to alleviate a range of sinus-r

fissure meaning in hindi

फिशर के कारण, लक्षण और उपाय (Causes, Symptoms and Remedies for Fissure in Hindi)

एनल फिशर को गुदा विदर के नाम से जाना जाता है। जब गुदा में छोटे-छोटे कट या दरार उत्पन्न होते हैं, और उनमें दर्द होता ह

Dental Braces Cost in Noida

Decoding the Dental Braces Cost in Noida

At Felix Hospital, we offer comprehensive orthodontic services, including dental braces, t

Breast Cancer in Hindi

ब्रेस्ट कैंसर (Breast Cancer in Hindi) लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर के बढ़ते मामलों में पहले स्थान पर है। यह कैंसर सबसे अधिक प्रचलित

पीसीओडी (PCOD) के लक्षण

क्यों होती है पीसीओडी की समस्या ?

शरीर में कोई भी समस्या होने पर उसके लक्षण बाहरी रूप से नजर आने लगते हैं। अगर हमें बुखार है तो शरीर का तापमान बढ़ जाता

Gastric problem

बदलती लाइफ स्टाइल के कारण गैस्ट्रिक की समस्या बढ़ी

बड़े हों या बच्चे आजकल ज्यादातर लोग गैस की समस्याज यानी गैस्ट्रिक प्रॉब्लम (Gastric Problem) से परेशान हैं। वह लाइफस्

glaucoma disease in hindi

ग्लूकोमा रोग(Glaucoma Disease In Hindi) - लक्षण, कारण और उपचार

हमारे शरीर के सबसे खास और नाजुक अंगों में से एक होती हैं आंखें। अगर हम इनका ख्‍याल नहीं रखें, तो यह छोटी-सी परेशानी ब

Tooth Implant Cost in Noida

Decoding the Tooth Implant Cost in Noida

If you're considering dental implants and want to ensure you have all the relevant informa

Caution during Mahashivratri fast in hindi

महाशिवरात्रि व्रत में सावधानी: डायबिटीज और ब्लड प्रेशर मरीजों के लिए

Maha Shivaratri Vrat : महाशिवरात्रि का व्रत हिंदू धर्म में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है। यह भगवान शिव के प्रति समर्पण और भ

Difference Between ECG and ECHO Test

Difference Between ECG and ECHO Test

Heart conditions vary in severity, ranging from minor issues requiring ongoing monitoring to acute, life-threatening

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer

Symptoms Of Breast Cancer: Causes, Types And Treatment

Most People Are Interested In Learning About The Symptoms Of Breast Cancer And Causes Of B

Normal Delivery Pregnancy Tips

Decoding The Secrets Of Normal Delivery Pregnancy Tips

How to get Normal Delivery ? Every woman dreams of having her baby through normal delivery.

Balanced Diet Nutrition Chart

Importance of Balanced Diet: Definition & Benefits

Maintaining good health requires consuming a healthy, balanced diet, which ensures you feel your best.

Symptoms of Heart Attack in Hindi

हार्ट अटैक के लक्षण (Symptoms of Heart Attack in Hindi), कारण, और उपचार

बदलती जीवनशैली और गलत खान-पान के कारण कम उम्र के लोगों को भी दिल का दौरा पड़ सकता है। दिल के दौरे के शुरुआती लक्षणों

periods Meaning In Hindi

पीरियड्स क्या है? क्यों और कब शुरू होता है?

मासिक धर्म (periods in hindi ), जिसे अंग्रेजी में 'पीरियड्स' कहा जाता है, महिलाओं में होने वाली एक प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिय

HIV Test Cost in Noida

Decoding the HIV Test Cost in Noida

Are you looking for an HIV 1 and 2 test in Noida and concerned about the cost?

Tonsillectomy Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Tonsillectomy Surgery Cost in Noida

Are recurring throat problems affecting your quality of life?

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Cost in Noida

Decoding the Cervical Cancer Vaccine Cost in Noida

Cervical cancer starts in the cells of the cervix, the lower end of the uterus.

Cervical Cancer in Hindi

सर्वाइकल कैंसर के प्रकार,लक्षण,जोखिम कारक और निवारण

HPV टीका विभिन्न प्रकार के कैंसर, जैसे कि सर्वाइकल, एनल, और ओरोफैरिंजियल कैंसर, से बचाने में एक केंद्रीय भूमिका निभात

Blood Clot in Brain Images

Blood Clot in Brain: Symptoms,Types, Reason & Treatment

Experiencing a blood clot in brain is scary and life-changing for many people every year.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer: Don't Ignore These Symptoms Even by Mistake

The HPV vaccine (cervical cancer vaccine) plays a pivotal role in averting various cancer

What is MCH in Blood Test

What is MCH in Blood Test?

Let us understand- what is MCh Blood test.

लिम्फोसाइटोसिस क्या होते हैं:- कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

लिम्फोसाइटोसिस क्या होते हैं:- कारण, लक्षण और उपचार

इस लेख में, हम लिम्फोसाइट्स (lymphocytes in Hindi meaning) का अर्थ, उनके उच्च और निम्न स्तर, कारण, ल

Cost Of Anal Fissure Surgery In Noida

Decoding The Cost Of Anal Fissure Surgery In Noida

Are you feeling pain because of a small tear near your back passage, also known as an anal fissure?

What is the Gastric Problem in Stomach

What is the Gastric Problem in Stomach?

Gastric problem in stomach is a prevalent state that can result in uneasiness and ache.

Causes of  PCOD/ PCOS

PCOD and PCOS - Symptoms, Causes, Differences & Treatment

The full form of PCOD and PCOS is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD).

Free Full Body Checkup Near Me

Free Full Body Checkup Near Me*

In our rapidly moving society, the importance of maintaining good health is frequently neglected due to our hectic sc

Anxiety Meaning in Hindi

Anxiety Meaning in Hindi - चिंता: कारण, पहचान, प्रकार, और उपचार

चिंता एक मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसमें व्यक्ति को अत्यधिक तनाव और चिंता का सामना करना पड़ता है। यह मात्र तनाव से

Best Hospital for Angioplasty test in Noida

Best Hospital for Angioplasty test in Noida

Ever wondered about the term 'Angioplasty Meaning'?

Top 25 Vitamin D Rich Fruits and Vegetables

Top 25 Vitamin D Rich Fruits and Vegetables

When we discuss a

Laparotomy Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Laparotomy Surgery Cost in Noida

A laparotomy is a surgical technique that involves the opening of the abdomen to expose th

cost of sgot-sgpt test in noida

Decoding the Cost of SGOT-SGPT Test in Noida

When it comes to maintaining optimal liver health, it's essential to rely on trusted medic

Is Rabies Really As Fatal As We Think

Is Rabies Really As Fatal As We Think?

Dog bites are not only painful; they can also pose a severe health risk to humans.

PCNL Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the PCNL Surgery Cost in Noida

PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy) operation is a slightly invasive method employed to eliminate sizable or intricat

Cost of URSL surgery in Noida

Decoding the Cost of URSL Surgery in Noida

URSL, or Ureterorenoscopy and Laser Lithotripsy, is a medical procedure utilised for the treatment of kidney stones.

RIRS Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the RIRS Surgery Cost in Noida

Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat certain kidney conditio

Inverted Nipple Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding the Inverted Nipple Treatment Cost in Noida

Are you living with the discomfort and self-consciousness caused by inverted nipples, a co

Laser Wart Removal Cost in Noida

Decoding the Laser Wart Removal Cost in Noida

Are you troubled by unsightly warts on your skin?

Ovarian Cyst Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding the Ovarian Cyst Treatment Cost in Noida

Ovarian cysts, fluid-filled sacs that can develop on or within the ovaries, can bring disc

Spider Veins Removal Cost in Noida

Decoding the Spider Veins Removal Cost in Noida

Do you have visible veins just beneath your skin, appearing as blue, purple, or red lines, webs, or branches?

Phimosis Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Phimosis Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you grappling with the discomfort of phimosis? Finding the right treatment path is paramount.

Balanitis Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Balanitis Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you dealing with the discomfort of balanitis? Finding the right treatment path is crucial.

rabies in a dog symptoms

Understanding Rabies and Its Prevention

India bears a substantial burden of rabies cases, with 36% of global rabies deaths occurring in the country.

Symptoms of Piles in Female

Symptoms of Piles in Female: Causes and Treatment

Pile symptoms in females can bring about discomfort and concern.

Circumcision Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding Circumcision Surgery Cost in Noida

If you're seeking circumcision surgery, it's important to understand the associated costs and benefits.

Tympanoplasty Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Tympanoplasty Surgery cost in Noida

Are persistent ear-related issues affecting your daily life?

symptoms of eye dryness in hindi

ड्राय आई सिंड्रोम:प्रमुख लक्षण, कारण, और उपचार

आपकी आँखों में एक पतली फ़िल्म होती है जिसे "टियर फ़िल्म" कहते हैं। यह फ़िल्म आपकी आँखों को नम रखने में मदद करती है और

Glaucoma Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding the Glaucoma Surgery Cost In Noida

Concerned about preserving your eyesight from glaucoma? Glaucoma surgery can be your shield against vision loss.

Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Rhinoplasty Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you considering rhinoplasty? Is the Nose Surgery cost in Noida concerning you?

Fistula Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding the Anal Fistula Surgery Cost In Noida

Are you dealing with the discomfort of anal fistulas? Then finding the right treatment path is essential.

Squint Eye Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding the Squint Eye Surgery Cost In Noida

Are you grappling with persistent visual discomfort due to a squint eye condition?

Orthopedists kya ilaaj karte hain in Hindi

आर्थोपेडिक(Orthopaedic) क्या है? - डेफिनिशन , प्रकार, और इलाज

ऑर्थोपेडिक्स एक विशेष क्षेत्र है जो मस्कुलोस्केलेटल सिस्टम के इलाज पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है, जिसमें मांसपेशियाँ, हड्

flu in eyes

Eye Flu: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment

Eye flu, medically known as conjunctivitis, is a common eye condition that affects people of all ages.

Liposuction Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding Liposuction Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you seeking a solution to stubborn fat deposits that are affecting your body shape and self-confidence?

ACL Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the ACL Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you suffering from a torn ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) and finding it difficult to

Prostate Surgery Costs in Noida

Decoding the Prostate Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you facing prostate-related health issues that are impacting your daily life?

Arthroscopic Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding The Arthroscopic Surgery Cost In Noida

Are you experiencing persistent joint pain and discomfort that is affecting your daily lif

6 Natural Ways to Boost Vitamin D

6 Natural Ways to Boost Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for vegetarians, as they may have limited dietary sources of this vitamin.

Post-C-Section Back Pain

10 Effective Remedies to Relieve Post-C-Section Back Pain

Pregnancy and childbirth are transformative experiences, but they can take a toll on a woman's body.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Period Cramps

10 Effective Home Remedies for Period Cramps

Finding relief from menstrual cramps can often be achieved with simple home remedies.

Hymenoplasty Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Hymenoplasty Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you experiencing discomfort or dissatisfaction with the appearance of your hymen?

Uterus Removal Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Uterus Removal Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you facing persistent gynecological issues that are affecting your quality of life?

Breast Reduction Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Breast Reduction Surgery Cost in Noida

Revitalizing Lives with Breast Reduction Surgery Are you burdened by the physical and emot

Gastroenterology Excellence

Gastroenterology Excellence: Advancing Digestive Health

Gastroenterology is a specialized medical field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders

Endoscopy Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Endoscopy Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you facing digestive system issues that require endoscopic intervention?

Heart Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Heart Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you struggling with heart-related issues that require surgical intervention?

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Noida

Are you troubled by the presence of gynecomastia, a condition characterized by the enlarge

Best Skin Hospital in Noida

Discover Radiant Skin at the Best Skin Hospital in Noida

When it comes to our skin, finding the best care is essential.

prevention of dengue

Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Prevention

As of mid-2024, over 7.6 million dengue cases have been reported to the World Health Organization (WHO).

क्लियर एलाइनर - दांतों को सीधा करने के लिए आधुनिक विकल्प

क्लियर एलाइनर - दांतों को सीधा करने के लिए आधुनिक विकल्प

क्लियर एलाइनर दांतों को सीधा करने का एक आधुनिक और अदृश्य तरीका है। पारंपरिक धातु के ब्रेसिज के विपरीत ये एलाइनर पारदर

Dengue Fever in Hindi

डेंगू बुखार: लक्षण, कारण, निदान, उपचार और रोकथाम

2024 के बीच तक, विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) को 7.6 मिलियन से अधिक डेंगू के मामले रिपोर्ट किए गए हैं। इनमें से 3.4 मिल

Top 10 High Protein Foods in Hindi

टॉप 10 हाई प्रोटीन फूड्स

क्या आप ऐसे भोजन की तलाश में थक गए हैं जो आपको संतुष्ट और ऊर्जावान करते हैं? तो आपकी खोज आज यहीं पर समाप्त होती है!

Top 5 High Protein Foods

Top 5 High Protein Foods

Are you tired of searching for meals that satisfy and energize you? Well, your search ends here!

Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost in Noida

In the quest for a beautiful body, many people desire a firm and well-defined tummy.

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding Root Canal Treatment Cost in Noida

A captivating smile is a beautiful composition, where each tooth harmoniously plays its pa

Laser Acne Treatment Cost in Noida

Decoding Laser Acne Treatment Cost in Noida

In the realm of beauty, our face is like a canvas that tells a story.

Joint ‎Replacement Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding Joint ‎Replacement Surgery Cost in Noida

Living with chronic joint pain can significantly impact one's quality of life, hindering m

Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in Noida

Imagine yourself taking a stroll in the park on a gorgeous day when all of a sudden your h

Spine Surgery cost in Noida

Decoding the Spine Surgery Cost in Noida

Do you experience persistent back pain decoding the spine surgery cost in Noida that inter

Pregnancy Delivery Package Cost in Noida

Decoding Pregnancy Delivery Package Cost in Noida

The act of giving birth surpasses conquest in its admiration, outshines self-defense in it

Knee Replacement Surgery Cost In Noida

Decoding The Knee Replacement Surgery Cost In Noida

Does your knee pain cause you trouble? If so, you're not alone.

Gastric Balloon Surgery Cost

Decoding The Gastric Balloon Surgery Cost In Noida

Are you struggling to lose weight? And looking for a non-surgical solution to help you shed those extra pounds?

Varicose Vein Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Varicose Vein Surgery Cost in Noida

The cost of varicose vein surgery in Noida, India might change based on the facility, the doctor, an

MRI Scan Cost in Noida

Decoding the MRI Scan Cost in Noida

The cost of an MRI scan in Noida can vary depending

angiography test cost in Noida

Decoding the Angiography Test Cost in Noida

The cost of angiography test in Noida, India, can vary depending on various factors

Gallbladder Stone Surgery Cost

Decoding the Gallbladder Stone Surgery Cost in Noida

Gallbladder Stone Surgery Cost in Noida

Best Hospital in Ghaziabad

Best Hospital in Ghaziabad

Felix Hospital: The Best Healthcare Destination for Ghaziabad

Decoding the Brain Tumor Surgery Cost in Noida

Decoding the Brain Tumor Surgery Cost in Noida

The cost for brain tumor surgery in Noida can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the typ

cost of plastic surgery in Noida

Decoding the Plastic Surgery Cost In Noida

The cost of plastic surgery in Noida can vary depending on the type of procedure, the surg

How Adulterated Colors can harm your Skin at Holi

How Adulterated Colors can harm your Skin at Holi?

The festivals of colours is around the corner with beautiful colours, splashes of water, and delicious sweets.

Dr. DK Gupta

Union Budget 2023-24: A Road to the new height of the Healthcare Sector!!!

The health sector in India has been getting attention over the past three years,

Piles Surgery Hospital

Get Relief from Piles with the Best Piles Surgery Hospital in Noida

The word “Piles” is something that is considered moreover a joke than a serious ailment.

Gallbladder Stones Gallstones

How Risky is Gallbladder Stone (Gallstones)?

What is Gallbladder Stone?

Bile is produced in the liver, and after prod


Increasing Heart Attacks in Youngsters

Recent years have shown a steep increase in incidents of heart attacks in younger adults.

How Crucial is ENT in your life

How Crucial is ENT in your life?

You must have heard about the term ENT so many times in life, but quite a few of


Best Kidney Stone Removal Hospital in Noida

Kidney Stones are hard deposits composed of waste materials like uric acid

Air Pollution-A Silent Killer for your Heart

Air Pollution-A Silent Killer for your Heart

Felix Hospital is the


5 Common Orthopedic Conditions

Your search for the

Obesity And Sugar Can Lead to Kidney Failure

Obesity And Sugar Can Lead to Kidney Failure

Obesity and excessive sugar consumption are widely recognized as major contributors to dia

Your Carelessness, Fluctuations in Temperature, will make you sick

Your Carelessness, Fluctuations in Temperature, will make you sick

The weather is changing once again.

Earphones and Headphones Can Make You Deaf

Earphones and Headphones Can Make You Deaf

There has been a steep rise in hearing issues in the last 5 years.

9 Ways to completely revamp your life to lead a healthy lifestyle

9 Ways to completely revamp your life to lead a healthy lifestyle

Do you find yourself constantly tired, breathless, or unable to cope with sudden physical activity?

Protect Your Child From Season Flues and Viruses

Protect Your Child From Season Flues and Viruses

Take special care of the health of your kids, especially young children, amidst the changing seasons.

Preventing Skin Disorders

Preventing Skin Disorders

Certain skin disorders aren’t preventable, including genetic conditions and some skin problems due to other illnesses


6 Tips to raise kids with heathy habits

Building healthy habits in the formative years of a child lays the foundation for the healthy living.

Diet Guide For Your Baby And Toddler

Diet Guide For Your Baby And Toddler

Mothers frequently put a great deal of thought into ensuring their baby receives proper nu

How to Identify If You Have Bad Breath?

How to Identify If You Have Bad Breath?

Bad breath, or halitosis, can be an uncomfortable issue that affects our daily lives, whet

10 Reasons why a child may not grow

10 Reasons Why a Child May Not Grow

  • The most common reason (90%) inadequate intake of food
  • Feeding problems with caregi
6 Easy Steps To Keep Your Skin Look Younger

6 Easy Steps to Keep Your Skin Look Younger

Do you want to look beautiful and younger than their age?

11 Secrets to Immediately Enhance Your Mood

11 Secrets to Immediately Enhance Your Mood

Feeling a little down after receiving some unpleasant news?


9 Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Adults

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, in today’s scenario.


11 Best Tips to Help You Prepare for Labour and Delivery

As the delivery date nears, several pregnant ladies are stuffed with dread as a result of the concern of the unknown.

Frozen Shoulder- Symptoms, Causes and More

Frozen Shoulder- Symptoms, Causes and More

Frozen shoulder is a common condition in which the shoulder stiffens, reducing its mobility.

SMOG: Do’s and Don’t

SMOG: Do’s and Don’t

Smog is a kind of air pollution caused by fog and smoke in the air.

8 Ways To Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Brushing Their Teeth

8 Ways To Teach Your Kids The Importance Of Brushing Their Teeth

As parents, we all want our children to build healthy habits that last a lifetime.


Can HPV Vaccination Stop Rising Cases Of Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is most common in women after

protein powder side effects

10 Potential Side Effects of Excess Intake of Protein Supplements

Protein powder supplements are a rage now.


Are You Tired With Back Pain?

Back pain, a common issue affecting millions, can range from a dull, constant ache to a sudden, sharp pain.



Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight a specific bacterial infection.

Daily Mistakes That Weaken Your Spine and Harm Your Health

Daily Mistakes That Weaken Your Spine and Harm Your Health

Your spine is the backbone of your health—literally.

5 Things Every Child Needs To Be Successful In Life

5 Things Every Child Needs To Be Successful In Life

Every parent wants their child to become a successful, confident, and good human being.


7 Useful Tips For First Time Parents

It all starts when you get to know that you are pregnant, you will be taking care of the little one.


6 Tips on Finding a Best Physiotherapist

If you are having any physical pain in your body due to factors like illness, inj


Diabetes: Essential Facts About This Silent Health Threat

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions worldwide, characterized by the body's inability to properly use

 Tips to Keep Your Knees Healthy and Young

9 Tips to Keep Your Knees Healthy and Young

Knee pain/Osteoarthritis is quite a common problem nowadays as you grow old.

How to Prevent Yourself from Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD)?

How to Prevent Yourself from Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD)?

Neglected tropical diseases (NTD) will be eradicated from the root only through awareness.
