With many regions experiencing High temperatures and high humidity this summer, a global force for longer, healthier lives for all, emphasizes the importance of taking extra precautions to protect your heart. These measures are particularly crucial for older adults and individuals with high blood pressure, obesity, or a history of heart disease and stroke. If a loved one shows any signs or symptoms of a heart attack, it is essential to visit the Heart Attack Surgery hospital in Noida to ensure their well-being and secure their future during this hot weather.

Your health is our priority—Schedule your Appointment now! Call us - +91 9667064100.

What is a Heart Attack?

A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies blood and oxygen to the heart becomes blocked. Over time, fatty deposits containing cholesterol accumulate, forming plaques in the heart's arteries. If a plaque ruptures, a blood clot can develop. This clot can obstruct the artery, leading to a heart attack. During a heart attack, the lack of blood flow causes the tissue in the heart muscle to die.

What exactly happens during a heart attack?

When a heart attack occurs, blood flow to a portion of the heart is either stopped or significantly reduced, resulting in injury or death to that section of the heart muscle. When part of the heart muscle fails to pump due to this lack of blood flow, it can disrupt the overall pumping function of the heart. This impairment can reduce or halt blood flow to the rest of the body, posing a potentially fatal risk if not promptly addressed.

Why Do Heart Attacks Occur More Frequently in Hot Weather?

In hot weather, the body undergoes several physiological changes to maintain a stable internal temperature. One of the primary mechanisms is vasodilation, where blood vessels near the skin surface widen to dissipate heat. This process, however, can strain the cardiovascular system in several ways:

1. Increased Heart Workload: To cool the body, more blood is circulated to the skin. This means the heart has to pump more blood per minute, increasing its workload and the demand for oxygen.

2. Dehydration: High temperatures cause excessive sweating, leading to fluid loss. Dehydration reduces blood volume, making it harder for the heart to circulate blood effectively. Dehydration also thickens the blood, which can increase the risk of clot formation.

3. Electrolyte Imbalance: Sweating depletes essential electrolytes like sodium and potassium, crucial for proper muscle and nerve function. An imbalance can lead to abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), which can be dangerous, especially for individuals with existing heart conditions.

4. Heat Stress: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke. These conditions can elevate the body's core temperature to dangerous levels, affecting heart function and increasing the risk of a heart attack.

5. Blood Pressure Fluctuations: The body's attempt to cool itself can cause fluctuations in blood pressure. While vasodilation lowers blood pressure, dehydration and increased heart workload can cause it to rise, creating an unstable environment for the heart.

Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack in Summer

Summer’s heat can be more than just a discomfort—it can also put additional strain on your heart. Knowing the signs of a heart attack and how they might present in warmer weather is crucial for early detection and timely treatment. Here’s what you need to watch for:

1. Shortness of Breath
Even if you're just enjoying a relaxing summer day, if you suddenly experience shortness of breath, it could be a sign of a heart attack. This symptom may occur even without physical exertion, so be attentive to any sudden difficulty in breathing.

2. Lightheadedness
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy in the summer heat can be alarming. If these symptoms accompany other signs of a heart attack, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. This sensation could indicate reduced blood flow to the brain.

3. Sweating
Excessive sweating, particularly if it’s cold and clammy, can be a warning sign of a heart attack. It might occur even if you're not engaging in strenuous activities or experiencing extreme heat.

4. Nausea
Nausea or an upset stomach that seems out of place, especially when combined with other symptoms, should not be ignored. It can be a subtle yet serious sign of a heart attack, even if you haven't been overindulging in summer foods.

5. Chest Pain
One of the most recognized symptoms of a heart attack is chest pain. This pain can feel like pressure, squeezing, or discomfort and may be exacerbated by summer heat. If you experience persistent chest pain, seek immediate medical help.

6. Fatigue
Unusual or extreme fatigue, especially if it comes on suddenly and without a clear cause, can be a sign of a heart attack. This feeling of tiredness might be more pronounced during hot summer days when your body is already under stress.

7. Back or Jaw Pain
Pain in the back or jaw, often radiating from the chest, can be an unusual yet significant sign of a heart attack. This discomfort might be mistaken for other summer-related issues, so it’s important to consider it in the context of other symptoms.

8. Indigestion
Feeling a sense of indigestion or discomfort in the stomach that doesn’t seem related to your food intake can be misleading. In the context of a heart attack, this symptom can be easily overlooked, so it's important to be vigilant.

9. Pain and Discomfort
General pain and discomfort, particularly when experienced in conjunction with other signs, should be taken seriously. This can manifest in various forms and may be felt differently by each individual.

Preventative Measures

To mitigate these risks, it is essential to take precautionary measures during hot weather:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of fluids to maintain blood volume and prevent dehydration.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Limit physical exertion during peak heat hours and take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas.
  • Monitor Heart Health: Individuals with heart conditions should monitor their symptoms closely and consult healthcare providers for personalized advice.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Lightweight, loose-fitting clothing helps facilitate heat dissipation.
  • Cool Environments: Spend time in air-conditioned spaces during extreme heat and use fans or cool showers to lower body temperature.

If you experience any signs and symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or unusual fatigue, seek immediate medical attention. Prompt intervention is crucial in managing heart attacks and preventing severe complications.

Meet Our Top Cardiologists at Felix Hospital for Heart Attack Assistance

Dr. Rahul Arora is a highly motivated and innovative Interventional Cardiologist with over 13 years of extensive experience in healthcare. He provides comprehensive care for chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and peripheral vascular disease. Dr. Arora has significant expertise as both a primary and secondary operator in a range of cardiac procedures, including coronary angiography, angioplasty, pacemaker implantation, and pediatric interventions. His extensive background ensures expert management and advanced treatment options for various cardiovascular issues.

Dr. Syed Zafrul Hasan, with over 13 years of experience as an Interventional Cardiologist, specializes in diagnosing and treating various cardiovascular conditions. He is adept at managing heart-related issues such as hypertension, diabetes, elevated cholesterol, heart attacks, and peripheral vascular diseases. Dr. Hasan's extensive expertise ensures comprehensive care and effective management of chronic heart conditions.

Protect Your Heart from the Summer Heat! Call us to book your consultation today on - +91 9667064100.


With many regions experiencing triple-digit temperatures and high humidity this summer, the Human Heart Association, a global force for longer, healthier lives for all, emphasizes the importance of taking extra precautions to protect your heart. These measures are particularly crucial for older adults and individuals with high blood pressure, obesity, or a history of heart disease and stroke. If a loved one exhibits any signs or symptoms of a heart attack, it is essential to visit the Best Heart Specialist in Noida to ensure their well-being and secure their future during this hot weather.



1. How do you know you're having a heart attack?
  Heart attack symptoms can vary but often include chest pain or discomfort that may feel like pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. This discomfort can radiate to the arms, neck, jaw, or back. Other signs and symptoms may include shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, or cold sweats. If you experience these symptoms, especially if they persist or worsen, seek emergency medical help immediately.

2. How long do heart attacks last?
  The duration of a heart attack can vary significantly. Typically, symptoms last from a few minutes to several hours. However, prompt medical treatment is crucial to minimize heart damage and improve outcomes.


3. What is a minor heart attack?
  A "minor" heart attack, often referred to as a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), is less severe than a major heart attack. It still involves reduced blood flow to the heart muscle but may not cause as extensive damage as a severe heart attack. Immediate medical evaluation and treatment are still essential.


4. What to do immediately in a heart attack?
  If you suspect a heart attack, call emergency services immediately. Chew and swallow an aspirin (if not allergic) to help reduce blood clotting. Stay calm and try to keep still until help arrives. Avoid exertion, as physical activity can worsen the situation.


5. Do heart attacks hurt?
  Yes, heart attacks often involve significant discomfort or pain in the chest, though not everyone experiences pain. The pain can be described as pressure, squeezing, fullness, or aching and may radiate to other parts of the body.

6. Why left side chest pain?
  Pain on the left side of the chest is commonly associated with heart attacks because the heart is located on the left side of the chest. However, pain can also radiate to other areas such as the arm, neck, or jaw.

7. Is my heart OK if the ECG is normal?
  A normal ECG (electrocardiogram) can indicate that there is no significant heart damage at the moment. However, it doesn’t necessarily rule out the possibility of a heart attack, especially if symptoms persist. Further diagnostic tests may be required for a comprehensive assessment.

8. Are heart attacks hard to survive?
  Survival rates for heart attacks have improved significantly with advances in medical treatment. However, the outcome depends on factors like the severity of the attack, how quickly treatment is received, and the individual’s overall health. Prompt medical intervention is critical to improve chances of survival.

9. How long do silent heart attacks last?
  Silent heart attacks, which may not present obvious symptoms, can last as long as a typical heart attack. The duration can vary, but since symptoms may not be noticeable, they are often identified later during diagnostic tests.

10. How long can chest pain last?
  Chest pain associated with a heart attack can last from a few minutes to several hours. The pain may come and go or be persistent. If you experience chest pain or discomfort, it is essential to seek medical evaluation immediately to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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