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Joint Replacement Surgeries in Noida

As we age, our bodies can start to show signs of wear and tear, with joint-related issues becoming increasingly common. Conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and joint injuries can lead to debilitating pain, stiffness, and a significant decline in mobility. However, modern advancements in joint replacement surgery have provided a transformative solution for those seeking to regain their quality of life.

About Joint Replacement Surgery 

Joint replacement is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a damaged or worn-out joint and its replacement with an artificial prosthetic joint, also known as an implant. This innovative procedure can be performed on various joints, including the hip, knee, shoulder, and ankle, allowing patients to experience a renewed sense of freedom and independence.

The primary goals of joint replacement surgery are to alleviate pain, restore joint function, and improve the patient's overall quality of life. By replacing the damaged joint with a durable, well-designed prosthetic, surgeons can effectively address the root cause of the problem and enable patients to return to their favorite activities and hobbies.
 If you are looking for total Joint Replacement Surgery in Noida, visit the experienced team at Felix Hospitals.

Benefits Of Joint Replacement

One of the most significant advantages of joint replacement surgery is the significant improvement in a patient's quality of life. Individuals who have struggled with debilitating joint pain and limited mobility can often experience a remarkable transformation after the procedure.

 1. Pain Relief: Joint replacement surgery is highly effective in alleviating the persistent pain associated with joint-related conditions. By removing the damaged joint and replacing it with a prosthetic, the source of the pain is eliminated, allowing patients to move with greater ease and comfort.

 2. Improved Mobility: A successful joint replacement can restore the patient's range of motion and flexibility, enabling them to regain their independence and participate in activities they once enjoyed, such as walking, exercising, or even playing sports.

 3. Enhanced Strength and Stability: The artificial joint implants used in replacement surgeries are designed to mimic the natural joint's functionality, providing the patient with improved strength, stability, and support.

 4. Increased Longevity: With advancements in surgical techniques and implant technology, modern joint replacements are becoming increasingly durable and long-lasting, offering patients a more permanent solution to their joint-related issues.

Felix Hospitals offer the most affordable Cost for Single Joint Replacement Surgery in Noida. Contact us today.

Preparation And Recovery

Undergoing a joint replacement procedure requires careful planning and preparation. Patients will typically undergo a thorough medical evaluation, including diagnostic tests and consultations with orthopedic specialists, to ensure they are suitable candidates for the surgery.

The recovery process can vary depending on the type of joint replaced and the individual's overall health, but it generally involves a combination of physical therapy, rehabilitation, and close monitoring by the medical team. Patients can expect to gradually regain their strength and mobility over the course of several weeks or months, with the goal of returning to their everyday activities and enjoying a better quality of life.

 If you are looking for Joint Replacement Treatment Cost in Noida, look no further than Felix Hospitals.

Advancements In Joint Replacement

The field of joint replacement surgery is constantly evolving, with ongoing advancements in surgical techniques, implant design, and post-operative care. These innovations are continuously improving outcomes, reducing recovery times, and expanding the range of patients who can benefit from these life-changing procedures.

One such advancement is the introduction of minimally invasive joint replacement surgeries, which utilize smaller incisions and less invasive techniques. This approach can lead to quicker recovery times, reduced scarring, and a lower risk of complications.

Additionally, the development of robotic-assisted joint replacement surgery has further enhanced the precision and accuracy of these procedures, allowing surgeons to tailor the implant placement and alignment to the individual patient's anatomy.

Best Joint Replacement Surgery In Noida

Noida is home to several reputable hospitals and orthopedic centers that specialize in joint replacement surgeries. These facilities are equipped with the latest technologies, skilled surgeons, and comprehensive rehabilitation programs to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.

One of the leading providers of joint replacement surgeries in Noida is Felix Hospitals renowned for its expertise in this field. The hospital's team of experienced orthopedic surgeons utilizes advanced techniques and cutting-edge tools to perform a wide range of joint replacement procedures, including:
1.    Total Knee Replacement (Single Joint) Rs 1 Lac only
2.    Total Knee Replacement (Both Joints) Rs 1, 99,000/-
3.    Total Hip Replacement (Single Joint)  Rs 1 Lac Only


Total Joint Replacement Surgery Cost In Noida

The cost of Joint Replacement can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure, the complexity of the case, the hospital's reputation, and the surgeon's expertise. However, Felix Hospital strives to offer competitive and transparent pricing for its joint replacement services.

If you are searching for , the average cost of a total joint replacement surgery for a single joint  in Noida can range from INR 1 lac to INR 2.5 Lacs in Noida. The Double Joint Replacement surgery Cost in Noida vary from INR 2 lac to 4.5 lacs

This cost typically includes the surgical procedure, hospital stay, pre-operative and post-operative care, and any necessary diagnostic tests or imaging.

It's important to note that the cost may be influenced by additional factors, such as the need for specialized implants, the use of advanced techniques (e.g., robotic-assisted surgery), and the patient's specific medical condition. The hospital's financial counselors can provide a detailed breakdown of the estimated costs and assist patients in navigating the insurance and payment options available.

Joint Replacement Surgery Near Me

For residents of Noida and the surrounding areas, finding a reliable and accessible joint replacement surgery provider is crucial. The felix hospital's strategic location, combined with its exceptional medical services and patient-centric approach, has made it a preferred choice for those seeking joint replacement surgeries in Noida and the neighboring areas. 


Joint replacement surgery has become a transformative solution for individuals struggling with debilitating joint-related issues. By restoring mobility, reducing pain, and improving overall quality of life, this innovative procedure has the power to unlock a new chapter of independence and vitality for patients.
As advancements in joint replacement continue to evolve, more and more individuals can look forward to regaining their freedom and reclaiming the activities they love. If you or a loved one are experiencing persistent joint pain or limited mobility, it may be worth exploring the benefits of joint replacement surgery and the life-changing possibilities it can offer. 


    1. How long does a joint replacement surgery typically take?

 The duration of a joint replacement surgery can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure, but on average:

  • Total hip replacement: 1-2 hours
  • Total knee replacement: 1-2 hours
  • Total shoulder replacement: 1-3 hours

Felix Hospitals is conveniently located in Sector 137, Noida making it easily accessible to patients from across the region and is the best Joint Replacement Surgery Hospital in Noida. 

    2. How long is the hospital stay after joint replacement surgery?

  • Total hip/knee replacement: 3-5 days on average
  • Total shoulder replacement: 1-3 days on average

    3. How long do joint replacement implants typically last?

  • Modern joint replacement implants are designed to last 15-20 years or more, but the actual lifespan can vary based on factors like the patient's age, activity level, and implant type.
  • Regular follow-up appointments and monitoring are important to ensure the implant is functioning properly.
  • For Single or Double Joint Replacement surgery in Noida, the experienced team at Felix Hospital is dedicated to providing you with the highest level of care and ensuring a successful recovery. 

Are there any restrictions or precautions after joint replacement surgery? Yes, patients will typically need to follow certain precautions, such as:

    4. Avoiding high-impact activities?

Maintaining proper body mechanics (e.g., not bending too much at the replaced joint)
Using assistive devices like crutches or walkers as needed.

    5. What is the recovery timeline for joint replacement surgery?

The first few weeks involve managing pain, swelling, and regaining basic mobility.
Over the next 2-3 months, patients can expect to see significant improvements in strength and range of motion.
Full recovery and return to normal activities can take 6-12 months, depending on the joint and the individual's healing process.

 If you are looking for  Single Joint Replacement surgery in Noida, contact  the experienced team of Felix Hospital today.

   6. When can I start physical therapy after joint replacement surgery? 

Physical therapy typically begins within 1-2 days after the surgery to help restore mobility and strength. The physical therapist will design a customized rehabilitation plan based on the specific joint replaced and the patient's progress.