
At Felix Hospital, we understand that a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Our dedicated team of oncologists is here to guide you through every step of your treatment journey, including chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, often called "chemo," is a common treatment for cancer. If you or a loved one is facing cancer, it's natural to have questions and concerns about chemotherapy. This guide will explain chemotherapy in simple terms, helping you understand what it is, how it works, and what to expect during Chemotherapy treatment.


Schedule a consultation regarding Chemotherapy in Noida, please contact Felix Hospital: +91 9667064100.


Chemotherapy Meaning

Chemotherapy is a type of medicine used to treat cancer. It works by killing cancer cells or stopping them from growing. Unlike surgery or radiation, which targets specific areas, chemotherapy travels through your whole body. This makes it useful for treating cancer that has spread to different parts of the body.

How Does Chemotherapy Work?

Cancer cells grow and divide much faster than normal cells. Chemotherapy drugs target these fast-growing cells. By interfering with their growth and division, the drugs can kill the cancer cells or stop them from multiplying. However, because chemotherapy affects all fast-growing cells, it can also impact healthy cells, leading to side effects.


Types of Chemotherapy

There are different types of chemotherapy drugs, and each works in a slightly different way. Here are some common types. Below mentioned is the Chemotherapy medicine list.

  • Alkylating Agents: These drugs damage the DNA of cancer cells, which prevents them from dividing.
  • Antimetabolites: These drugs mimic the building blocks of DNA, interfering with the cell's ability to grow.
  • Anti-Tumor Antibiotics: These drugs change the DNA inside cancer cells to stop them from growing.
  • Topoisomerase Inhibitors: These drugs prevent cells from copying their DNA.
  • Mitotic Inhibitors: These drugs stop cells from dividing.
  • Targeted Therapies: These drugs target specific parts of cancer cells and have fewer side effects.


How is Chemotherapy Given?

Chemotherapy can be administered in several ways:

  • Intravenous (IV) Infusion: Drugs are delivered directly into a vein through an IV line.
  • Oral Chemotherapy: Some drugs can be taken as pills or capsules.
  • Injection: Drugs are injected into a muscle or under the skin.
  • Intrathecal: Drugs are injected into the fluid around the brain and spinal cord.
  • Topical: For certain skin cancers, drugs can be applied directly to the skin.


What to Expect During Chemotherapy

Before Treatment

  • Consultation: Meet with your doctor to discuss your treatment plan.
  • Preparation: You may need to follow specific instructions, like fasting or avoiding certain medications.

During Treatment

  • Receiving Treatment: Depending on the method, you might sit in a chair for an IV infusion, take a pill, or receive an injection. Treatments can last from a few minutes to several hours.
  • Monitoring: Nurses and doctors will monitor you for any immediate reactions to the treatment.

After Treatment

  • Rest and Recovery: It's common to feel tired after a session. Rest is important.
  • Side Effects: Be aware of potential side effects and how to manage them.

Chemotherapy Symptoms and Side effects

Because chemotherapy affects healthy cells as well as cancer cells,  one can suffer from chemotherapy side effects. Here are some common ones:

  • Fatigue: Feeling very tired is common. Rest and light activity can help.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: These can often be controlled with medication.
  • Hair Loss: Hair may thin or fall out, but it usually grows back after treatment ends.
  • Infections: Chemotherapy can weaken your immune system. Practice good hygiene and avoid sick people.
  • Anemia: Low red blood cell counts can cause tiredness and weakness.
  • Bleeding and Bruising: Low platelet counts can lead to easy bruising or bleeding.
  • Mouth Sores: Chemo can cause painful sores in the mouth and throat.
  • Appetite Changes: You may lose your appetite or notice food tastes different.
  • Memory and Concentration Issues: Sometimes called "chemo brain," this can affect your ability to think clearly.

Managing Side Effects

Here are some tips to help manage common side effects:

  • Fatigue: Rest often and conserve your energy. Light exercise like walking can also help.
  • Nausea: Eat small, frequent meals and avoid foods that trigger nausea. Take anti-nausea medications as prescribed.
  • Hair Loss: Use gentle hair care products and consider wearing a wig, hat, or scarf.
  • Infections: Wash your hands often and avoid large crowds. Stay away from people who are sick.
  • Mouth Sores: Use a soft toothbrush and rinse your mouth with salt water. Avoid spicy and acidic foods.
  • Appetite Changes: Eat small, nutritious meals throughout the day. Experiment with different foods to find what tastes good.

Emotional and Psychological Support

Going through chemotherapy can be emotionally challenging. It's important to seek support:

Family and Friends: Lean on your loved ones for support and assistance.
Support Groups: Join a cancer support group to share experiences and advice with others going through similar challenges.
Counseling: Consider speaking with a counselor or therapist to help manage stress and emotions.

Cost of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy cost in India can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of cancer, the specific drugs used, the number of treatment cycles, and the healthcare facility. At Felix Hospital, we strive to provide high-quality care at affordable prices. We understand that managing the cost of treatment can be stressful, so our financial counselors are available to discuss your options and help you navigate insurance coverage, payment plans, and any available financial assistance programs. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the necessary treatment without added financial burden.

Felix Hospital is renowned as the best cancer hospital in Noida, with leading cancer specialists in Noida providing top-notch care and advanced treatments. Chemotherapy, a common and powerful treatment for cancer, plays a crucial role in our comprehensive cancer care program. This guide will help you understand chemotherapy, including its purpose, how it works, and what to expect during treatment.


Chemotherapy is a powerful tool in the fight against cancer. While it can be challenging, understanding what to expect and how to manage side effects can make the process easier. At Felix Hospital, our dedicated team is here to support you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.
For more information about chemotherapy or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at +91 9667064100. Our dedicated team at Felix Hospital with the best cancer specialists in Noida  is here to answer your questions and provide the support you need throughout your treatment journey. We are committed to offering compassionate care and the latest in cancer treatment to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.