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Multiple Sclerosis is a neurological condition that affects the central nervous system (CNS) by disabling the brain and spinal cord. In this condition, the protective sheet attacks the immune system.
There are 4 types of MS Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), Primary progressive MS (PPMS), and secondary progressive MS (SPMS)
This disease is considered an autoimmune disease, in which a body attacks its immune system. The main cause is when the immune system attacks the brain and nerves.
Common symptoms that are associated with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) include:
Numbness in leg or feet
Difficulty in walking
Lack of coordination
Vision problem – Blurry, Double, Partial, loss of vision
Problem in speech
Some of the ways to prevent this disease include:
Get enough Vitamin D (sun exposure)
Reduce stress levels
Eat a healthy diet low in saturated fats
Avoid smoking and drinking