
Felix Hospital in Noida stands as the best hospital for colonoscopy treatment in Noida, setting unparalleled standards in healthcare. With a team of highly skilled specialists and advanced facilities, Felix Hospital offers comprehensive care tailored to each patient's needs. Their approach integrates cutting-edge medical technology with compassionate care, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Don't wait, trust Felix Hospital for an expert colonoscopy test and start your path to wellness now!

What is Colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure used to examine the interior of your large intestine, including the colon, rectum, and anus. It falls under the category of endoscopy, which involves using an endoscope—a flexible tube equipped with a light and camera. This endoscope is inserted into your body to capture images. During a colonoscopy, the colonoscope is inserted through the anus and rectum to reach the colon. As it advances, it transmits images of the inside of your large intestine to a monitor for examination.
Felix Hospital in Noida is the best colonoscopy hospital, providing comprehensive treatment tailored to each patient's needs. We ensure the highest standards of care and successful outcomes for those dealing with large intestinal issues.


At Felix Hospital, we're ready to assist you for the colonoscopy test. Book your appointment today by calling +91 9667064100.


Why do doctors use colonoscopy?

Doctors use colonoscopies to identify the causes of symptoms such as:

  • Bleeding from the anus

  • Changes in bowel movements, like diarrhea

  • Abdominal pain

  • Unexplained weight loss

Additionally, doctors use colonoscopies as a screening tool for colon polyps and colorectal cancer (colon and rectal cancer). Screening involves testing for diseases even when no symptoms are present, allowing for early detection and a better chance of successful treatment.
Felix Hospital, being the leading colonoscopy test specializes in providing the best care tailored to each individual's needs.


Risk Factors or Complications:

When it comes to large intestinal issues, there are inherent risks and potential complications that require vigilant management. At Felix Hospital, we prioritize comprehensive care to mitigate these risks effectively. During a colonoscopy, there are some potential risks you should be aware of:
1. Bleeding: Sometimes, if a biopsy or polyp removal is done, there might be heavy or ongoing bleeding.
2. Tear in the colon: There's a small chance of accidentally creating a hole or tear in the colon wall during the procedure, which may require surgery to fix.
3. Infection: Though very rare, there's a possibility of developing an infection that would need treatment with antibiotics.
4. Medicine reactions: The medications given to help you relax might rarely cause breathing problems or low blood pressure.

Our specialized approach at Felix Hospital ensures prompt identification and intervention to address these risks, aiming for optimal patient outcomes and well-being. Gastroenterology is a medical specialty dedicated to treating general gastrointestinal issues and providing preventive care for adults. Our Gastroenterology Department is exceptionally strong, staffed with cooperative doctors who deliver outstanding care.


Treatment Options:

Felix Hospital is committed to providing a diverse array of treatment options for the large intestine, tailored to meet individual patient needs. Our comprehensive approach encompasses various modalities. As a leading colonoscopy hospital, we emphasize that colonoscopy isn't just for diagnosis—it can also be therapeutic. Here are some ways endoscopists can treat issues they find during the procedure:
1. Polyp Removal (Polypectomy): If abnormal growths called polyps are discovered, they can be removed during the colonoscopy. This not only helps in diagnosing potential cancer but also prevents it from developing or spreading.
2. Wound Sealing: If any wounds or small tears are present, the endoscopist can seal them off to aid in healing.
3. Medication Injection: Certain medications can be directly injected into tissues to address issues like inflammation or bleeding.
4. Blockage Removal: If there are any obstructions or blockages in the colon, the endoscopist may be able to clear them during the procedure.
5. Stent Placement: In cases of narrowed or blocked passages, stents—small tubes—are placed to keep the passage open, allowing for smoother digestion.
6. Laser Therapy: In some instances, tissues may need treatment with laser therapy to address specific conditions or abnormalities.

These treatments are part of the comprehensive care provided during a colonoscopy, aiming not only to identify problems but also to address them effectively in the same session.


Book Your Appointment Now, Call +91 9667064100.



Felix Hospital in Noida excels in colonoscopy procedures, offering tailored care with cutting-edge technology. Skilled gastro specialists address issues detected during the procedure, providing treatments like polyp removal and wound sealing. Vigilant risk management ensures patient safety, with comprehensive interventions for potential complications. Patients benefit from the hospital's commitment to excellence, receiving compassionate care and innovative therapies. Felix Hospital stands as a premier destination for gastroenterological care, prioritizing patient well-being and successful outcomes.


FAQs on colonoscopy test


1. Is it painful to have a colonoscopy?
Ans. No, discomfort during a colonoscopy is minimized with sedation and pain medication.


2. What is a colonoscopy done for?
  - A colonoscopy is performed to examine the colon and rectum for abnormalities, diagnose conditions like colorectal cancer, and screen for polyps.


3. What can a colonoscopy detect?
  - A colonoscopy can detect polyps, colorectal cancer, inflammation, ulcers, and other abnormalities in the colon and rectum.


4. Is a colonoscopy only for cancer?
  - No, a colonoscopy is not only for cancer; it's also used for screening, diagnosis, and monitoring of various gastrointestinal conditions.


5. What can be detected in a colonoscopy test?
  - A colonoscopy can detect polyps, colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis, and other gastrointestinal issues.


6. Why is a colonoscopy test required?
  - A colonoscopy test is required for screening individuals at risk of colorectal cancer, diagnosing gastrointestinal symptoms, and monitoring conditions like inflammatory bowel disease.


7. What happens if a colonoscopy is positive?
  - If a colonoscopy is positive, it means abnormalities such as polyps or cancer are detected, necessitating further evaluation, treatment, or surveillance.


8. What Is the cost of a normal colonoscopy?
  - The cost of a normal colonoscopy varies depending on factors like location, facility, insurance coverage, and any additional procedures required, but it typically ranges from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.