Cavities/Tooth Decay

Tooth decay and cavities are one of the world’s most common problems.  It is softening of the tooth enamel which damages the structure of the tooth. It is caused by acids when plaque bacteria break down sugar in your mouth. If left untreated a cavity occurs due to the loss of minerals. Felix Hospital takes pride in being a leading Best hospital for tooth decay cavities in Noida, offering advanced  facilities and a team of experienced dentists dedicated to providing exceptional care for your little ones.

Book your consultation with us today with a simple click or call us at  +91 9667064100.


What is Tooth Decay

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a widespread issue that affects people of all ages. It is a progressive condition that starts with the erosion of the outer enamel layer of the tooth and can eventually lead to the formation of a cavity or hole in the tooth structure.

Tooth decay can happen to anyone from babies to elderly people. Bottle-fed babies are at a higher risk.

While tooth decay is common, it is essential to understand that it is a preventable condition. By adopting good oral hygiene practices and making informed dietary choices, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing cavities.


Common Symptoms

Some of the common signs include-

  • Sharp pain
  • Toothache while eating or drinking sweet, hot or cold
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Grey, Black or brown spots on teeth
  • Visible holes or pits in your teeth
  • Bad breath

If you're experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms including dental discomfort or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to our expert team at Felix Hospital, the tooth decay cavity hospital in Noida.



Cavities are caused when food gets trapped inside your teeth and is not completely removed from brushing. Some of the major causes of tooth decay and cavity are –

  • Poor Oral Hygiene – Not brushing or wrong brushing techniques can lead to formation of plaque which further results in loss of enamel. Thus, maintaining good oral hygiene is important.
  • Plaque formation
  • Eating and drinking sugary items
  • Tooth Decay
  • Grinding once teeth
  • Bacteria and acid – When they increase in your mouth
  • Dry mouth
  • Medical Problem
  • An abscessed tooth or damaged filling

By understanding and addressing these factors early on, we can ensure a lifetime of healthy smiles. Schedule a consultation with our Best tooth decay dentist for treatment in Noida at Felix Hospital today to safeguard your smile and promote lifelong oral health.


Stages of Tooth Decay

Cavities don't develop overnight. They progress through distinct stages, each with varying signs and symptoms:

Early Enamel Decay: This initial stage might not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, you might see white spots on the tooth's surface, indicating mineral loss within the enamel. With good oral hygiene practices and professional intervention, the enamel can remineralize at this stage.

Dentin Decay: If the decay isn't addressed in the early stages, it penetrates deeper into the dentin layer beneath the enamel. Dentin contains tiny tubules that connect to the tooth's pulp, where nerves reside. This can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, particularly to hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages.

Pulp Decay: In the most advanced stage, decay reaches the tooth's pulp, the innermost layer containing nerves and blood vessels. This can cause significant pain, swelling, and even tooth discoloration. In severe cases, an abscess (pus-filled infection) might develop at the root of the tooth.


Complications of Untreated Cavities

Ignoring cavities can lead to serious complications, including:

  • Painful toothaches: As the decay worsens and reaches the pulp, intense pain can arise, potentially disrupting daily activities and sleep.
  • Tooth loss: Extensive tooth decay can eventually cause the tooth to break or become so weak that extraction is necessary.
  • Dental abscess: A pocket of pus can form at the tooth's root tip due to a bacterial infection. This can cause swelling, pain, and even facial bone infection if left untreated.
  • Damage to jawbone: In severe cases, an abscessed tooth can spread infection to the jawbone, leading to bone loss.

Risk Factors for Cavities

Certain factors increase your susceptibility to cavities:

  • Poor oral hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to accumulate on teeth, creating a breeding ground for cavity-causing bacteria.
  • Sugary diet: Frequent consumption of sugary foods and drinks provides a constant fuel source for plaque bacteria to produce acid.
  • Dry mouth: Saliva plays a vital role in washing away food particles and neutralizing acids in the mouth. Reduced saliva flow due to medications, medical conditions, or aging can increase cavity risk.
  • Tobacco use: Smoking and chewing tobacco can contribute to dry mouth and weaken the body's immune response, making teeth more vulnerable to decay.
    Genetics: Some people are naturally predisposed to having weaker tooth enamel or a higher mouth acidity level, making them more susceptible to cavities.


Diagnosis of Cavities

During a dental checkup, your dentist will examine your teeth for signs of decay, such as visible holes, discoloration, or sensitivity. They might also use dental X-rays to detect cavities between teeth or beneath the surface. At Felix Hospital, you can experience the best tooth decay treatment in Noida, ensuring comprehensive and effective care for your oral health.


Treatment of Cavities

The type of treatment for cavities depends on the severity of the decay. Here are some common approaches:

  • Fluoride treatment: For mild cases in the early stages of enamel decay, topical fluoride application by the dentist can help strengthen and remineralize the enamel.
  • Dental fillings: When cavities progress beyond the enamel, dentists remove the decayed portion and fill the cavity with a tooth-colored composite resin or other materials to restore function and prevent further decay.
  • Crowns: In cases where a significant portion of the tooth structure is lost due to decay, a crown (cap) is placed over the tooth to restore its strength, shape, and size.
  • Root canal therapy: If the decay reaches the pulp, a root canal procedure is needed to remove the infected pulp, clean the canals within the tooth's root, and seal the tooth to prevent further infection.

Preventing Cavities

The good news is that cavities are largely preventable with a dedicated oral hygiene routine and regular dental care. At Felix Hospital, you can experience the best tooth decay cavity treatment in Noida, ensuring comprehensive and effective care for your oral health. Here are key strategies to keep cavities at bay:

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily to remove plaque and food particles between teeth.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings: Aim for professional dental cleanings and checkups every six months. This allows your dentist to detect and address cavities in their early stages.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Limit sugary foods and drinks that feed cavity-causing bacteria. Choose nutrient-rich options like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
  • Fluoride: Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and fights decay. Use fluoridated toothpaste and consider fluoride treatments at the dentist's recommendation, especially if you're at high risk of cavities.
  • Reduce tobacco use: Smoking and chewing tobacco can increase cavity risk. If you use tobacco, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your overall and oral health.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps wash away food particles and keeps your mouth moist.
  • Chew sugar-free xylitol gum: Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol that can reduce cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth. Look for sugar-free gum sweetened with xylitol.

By adopting these preventive measures and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can significantly reduce your risk of developing cavities and keep your smile healthy for years to come.

Make an appointment today at Felix Hospital, a Best tooth decay cavity hospital near me, by dialing +91 9667064100.



Remember, early detection and treatment are crucial for managing cavities. Regular dental visits allow your dentist to identify cavities in their early stages when they're easier and less expensive to treat. If you experience any symptoms of tooth decay, such as toothache or sensitivity, schedule a dental appointment promptly to prevent complications and ensure timely intervention.


How do you remove a cavity? 
Ans. A cavity is typically removed by a dentist using a dental drill to clean out the decayed part of the tooth. After removing the decay, the dentist fills the cavity with a filling material, such as composite resin or amalgam, to restore the tooth's structure and function.


Is cavity a serious problem?
Ans. Yes, cavities can be a serious dental problem if left untreated. They can lead to tooth pain, infection, and even tooth loss if the decay progresses deep into the tooth or reaches the nerve.


What is the cause of cavities? 
Ans. Cavities are primarily caused by plaque bacteria in the mouth breaking down sugars from food and drinks, producing acids that erode tooth enamel over time. This process weakens the enamel and leads to the formation of cavities.


Can a tooth cavity be cured? 
Ans. Yes, a tooth cavity can be treated and cured by a dentist. The decayed part of the tooth is removed, and the cavity is filled with a dental filling material to restore the tooth's strength and function.


Can you treat a cavity on your own? 
Ans. No, cavities cannot be effectively treated on your own. Treatment requires professional dental care to properly remove decay and restore the tooth. However, you can prevent cavities through good oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups.