Cataracts are like little cloudy spots that develop on the lens of your eye. The most usual kind happens as you get older. When you have them, your vision might get blurry, and you could see halos around lights. If they bother you enough, doctors might suggest taking out the cloudy lens and putting in a new, clear one called an intraocular lens (IOL). Basically, they recommend surgery when cataracts mess with your everyday activities.

Unlock your journey with Felix Hospital,  Best hospital for Cataract Surgery in Noida. Reach out to us at or call +91 9667064100.

What Is Cataract ?

A cataract is like a little cloud that forms on the lens of your eye, which is supposed to be clear. When you have cataracts, it's a bit like trying to see through a window that's been frosted over or fogged up. This cloudy vision can make things like reading, driving at night, or recognizing faces more challenging.

Cataracts usually develop slowly and might not bother your vision much at first. But over time, they can make it harder to see clearly.

In the beginning, using brighter lights and wearing glasses can help deal with cataracts. However, if your vision starts to affect your daily activities, you might need to consider cataract surgery. The good news is that cataract surgery is typically a safe and effective procedure.

Symptoms Of Cataract

  • Cataracts come in different types, depending on where and how they form in your eye.

  • Nuclear cataracts develop in the center of the lens and can make the middle look yellow or brown. 

  • Cortical cataracts are shaped like wedges and grow around the edges of the center.

  • Posterior capsular cataracts form faster than the others and affect the back of the lens.

  • Congenital cataracts are rarer and happen either when you're born or during your first year.

  • Secondary cataracts are caused by things like diseases or certain medications. Diseases like glaucoma and diabetes  can lead to them, and some medications, like prednisone, might also cause them.

  • Traumatic cataracts come after an eye injury, but they can take a while to develop.

  • Radiation cataracts can happen if you've had radiation treatment for cancer.

Causes Of Cataract

The main cause of cataracts is getting older. As you age, the proteins in your eye's lens start to break down, making it cloudy. This typically starts around age 40, but vision problems might not pop up until later.

Other reasons you might get cataracts include:

  • Having family members with cataracts.

  • Having certain health issues like diabetes.

  • Having had an eye injury, surgery, or radiation treatment on your upper body.

  • Spending a lot of time in the sun without protecting your eyes with sunglasses.

  • Taking certain medications like corticosteroids, which could speed up cataract formation.

  • Smoking.

Age-related cataracts usually develop slowly, but in some cases, they can form more quickly, especially in younger people or those with diabetes. Doctors can't predict exactly how fast someone's cataracts will develop.

Are you Worried About The Cataract Surgery Cost in Noida? Learn More about cost here

What's The Best Way To Deal With Cataracts?

Well, the most effective way to get rid of cataracts and get your clear vision back is through cataract surgery. During the surgery, the cloudy natural lens in your eye is taken out and replaced with a clear artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL). There are different types of IOLs, so you can discuss with your doctor which one suits you best.

The cool thing about an IOL is that it works just like your natural lens and can even fix any vision problems you might have, meaning you might not need glasses or contacts as much after the surgery.

Our eyes are a crucial part of our body that allow us to see the world in full color throughout our lives. Therefore, it's important to have the Best Motiyabind Operation Hospital in Noida to ensure the best care for your eyes.

Is Cataract Surgery Safe?

Yep, it's actually one of the safest surgeries out there and super common in India Most people don't have any serious issues afterward. But like with any surgery, there are some risks to be aware of, like retinal detachment or infections. Your risk can be higher if you have certain eye conditions or medical problems, so it's smart to talk with Eye Specialists  about your personal risks beforehand and how they'd handle any problems if they come up.

Recovering From Cataract Surgery

After the surgery, you might feel a bit of discomfort, but your doctor can give you something for the pain. It takes about four to eight weeks to fully recover, but you'll probably notice your vision getting better pretty quickly. Your doctor will let you know when it's okay to get back to your usual routine.

Cataract Surgery Cost In Noida

The Cataract/Motiyabind Operation Cost in Noida ranges from Rs. 17,000 to Rs. 35,000. Several factors influence this price variation. These include the doctor's consultation fee, the severity of the disease, and the brand and manufacturer of the lens used. Additionally, the cost is affected by diagnostic tests, the type of intraocular lens (IOL) chosen, and the technique and equipment used during the surgery. Post-operative care, follow-up consultations, and pre and post-surgery medications also play a significant role in determining the overall cost of the procedure.

Diagnosis Of Cataract

When diagnosing cataracts, your doctor will give you a thorough eye exam to see if you have them and to see how well you can see. They'll use an eye chart to test your vision at different distances and a tonometry test to check the pressure in your eye.

For the tonometry test, they'll use a gentle puff of air to press against your eye and measure the pressure inside. They might also use eye drops to widen your pupils, which helps them see the back of your eye better to check for any damage to the optic nerve or retina.

Your doctor might also check how sensitive you are to glare and how well you can see different colors.

If you are suffering from Motiyabind, Felix Hospital is here for you. The Expert of Motiyabind surgery nearby. Call us at +91 9667064100.

Prevention Of Cataract

Here's how you can lower your chances of getting cataracts:

  • Wear sunglasses when you're out in the sun to shield your eyes from harmful UVB rays.

  • Get regular checkups with your eye doctor.

  • Quit smoking if you're a smoker.

  • Eat plenty of fruits and veggies that are packed with antioxidants.

  • Keep your weight in a healthy range.

  • Stay on top of conditions like diabetes and other health issues.


Cataracts, those cloudy spots that develop on the lens of the eye, can really mess with your vision as you get older. They might start small, but over time, they can make everyday activities like reading or driving a real challenge. Thankfully, there's a solution: cataract surgery. It's a common and safe procedure where the cloudy lens is swapped out for a clear artificial one, restoring your vision. Plus, there are steps you can take to lower your risk of developing cataracts in the first place, like wearing sunglasses and staying on top of your health. So, if cataracts are clouding your vision, know that there's hope for clearer sight ahead.

FAQs On Cataract/Motiyabind

  • What is the main cause of cataracts?
    The main cause of cataracts is aging. As people get older, the proteins in the eye's lens start to break down and clump together, leading to clouding of the lens.

  • Why do people need cataract surgery?
    People undergo cataract surgery to remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a clear artificial lens, improving their vision and quality of life.

  • What are the early signs of a cataract?
    The early signs of a cataract include blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, sensitivity to light, seeing halos around lights, fading or yellowing of colors, and frequent changes in prescription glasses or contact lenses.

  • How can cataracts be cured?
    Cataracts can be cured through surgical removal of the cloudy lens and replacement with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).

  • How painful is cataract surgery?
    Cataract surgery is generally not painful. Patients are given local anesthesia to numb the eye and may also receive a sedative to help them relax. Most patients report only mild discomfort.

  • How serious is cataract surgery?
    Cataract surgery is considered safe and routine, with a high success rate. However, as with any surgery, there are risks, including infection, bleeding, or retinal detachment, though these are rare.

  • How long does cataract surgery take?
    Cataract surgery typically takes about 10 to 20 minutes per eye, but patients should expect to be at the surgical center for about 90 minutes to two hours for preparation and post-operative care.

  • What exactly is done in cataract surgery?
    In cataract surgery, the cloudy lens of the eye is removed and replaced with a clear artificial intraocular lens (IOL). This is usually done using a procedure called phacoemulsification, where the lens is broken up with ultrasound waves and then suctioned out.

  • How much money is required for cataract surgery?
    The cost of cataract surgery can vary widely depending on factors such as location, the surgeon's experience, the type of intraocular lens used, and whether it is performed in a public or private hospital. In India, it typically ranges from Rs. 17,000 to Rs. 35,000 per eye.

  • What is the cost of a lens for a cataract?
    The cost of an intraocular lens (IOL) for cataract surgery can vary based on the type and brand of the lens. Standard monofocal lenses are generally less expensive, while premium lenses like multifocal or toric lenses can be more costly. Prices typically range from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 30,000.

  • Is cataract surgery 100% successful?
    While cataract surgery has a high success rate, it is not 100% successful for every patient. Most people experience significantly improved vision, but a small percentage may have complications or less-than-optimal results. However, the vast majority of cataract surgeries result in a successful outcome with improved vision.

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