Glaucoma, a complex and progressive eye condition, is a leading cause of irreversible vision loss worldwide. This group of eye disorders is characterized by damage to the optic nerve, often caused by increased pressure within the eye. At Felix Hospital, our team of experienced ophthalmologists is committed to preserving and protecting the precious gift of sight, empowering our patients to maintain their visual acuity and quality of life.

Call +91 9667064100 to schedule your comprehensive eye exam and safeguard your vision.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders characterized by damage to the optic nerve, often caused by increased pressure within the eye. This pressure buildup can gradually erode the optic nerve, leading to vision loss and, if left untreated, eventual blindness.

Glaucoma is often referred to as the "silent thief of sight" because the condition can develop gradually, with little to no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. This insidious nature makes it essential for individuals to undergo regular eye examinations to detect the condition early and initiate appropriate treatment.

Types of Glaucoma

While there are several types of glaucoma, the most common forms include:

Open-angle glaucoma:

This is the most prevalent type of glaucoma, accounting for the majority of cases. It is characterized by a gradual buildup of pressure due to a blockage or obstruction in the eye's drainage system. Open-angle glaucoma typically develops slowly, with no noticeable symptoms in the early stages.

  • Angle-closure glaucoma:
    Also known as acute or narrow-angle glaucoma, this form is characterized by a sudden increase in eye pressure. It occurs when the drainage angle becomes blocked, often due to a structural abnormality in the eye. Angle-closure glaucoma is considered a medical emergency, as the rapid rise in eye pressure can cause severe pain, redness, and vision loss if not treated promptly.

  • Normal-tension glaucoma:
    In this less common type of glaucoma, optic nerve damage occurs despite normal eye pressure levels. The exact cause of normal-tension glaucoma is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to factors such as poor blood flow to the optic nerve or increased sensitivity of the nerve to normal pressure levels.

  • Secondary glaucoma:
    This type of glaucoma is caused by an underlying condition or event, such as eye trauma, inflammation, or the use of certain medications. Examples of secondary glaucoma include neovascular glaucoma (caused by the growth of new blood vessels in the eye) and steroid-induced glaucoma (caused by the use of corticosteroid medications).

Symptoms of Glaucoma

While glaucoma may not exhibit any noticeable symptoms in its early stages, as the condition progresses, individuals may experience a range of visual disturbances. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for early detection and timely intervention.

Gradual Loss of Peripheral Vision
One of the hallmarks of glaucoma is the gradual narrowing of the visual field, often referred to as "tunnel vision." Patients may initially notice that they are having difficulty seeing objects or people located at the periphery of their vision. 

Difficulty Adjusting to Changes in Light and Dark
Individuals with glaucoma may struggle to adapt to sudden changes in lighting, such as going from a bright room to a dimly lit one. This difficulty in adjusting to different light conditions can be a result of the optic nerve damage caused by increased eye pressure.

Tunnel Vision
As the disease advances, the visual field can become increasingly constricted, leading to a tunnel-like effect. Patients may feel as if they are looking through a narrow tube, with their central vision remaining relatively intact while the peripheral vision continues to deteriorate.

Other symptoms of glaucoma may include ;    

  • Blurred vision

  • Halos or rainbows around lights

  • Redness or pain in the eye

  • Nausea or vomiting 

It is important to note that the severity and progression of symptoms can vary greatly depending on the type of glaucoma and the individual's response to treatment.

Causes of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is typically caused by an imbalance in the production and drainage of the clear fluid (aqueous humor) that nourishes the eye. When this fluid cannot drain properly, it leads to a buildup of pressure within the eye, ultimately damaging the optic nerve.

However, in individuals with glaucoma, there is a disruption in this delicate balance, often due to a blockage or obstruction in the drainage system. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Anatomical abnormalities: Some people are born with a narrower or more obstructed drainage angle, which can impede the flow of aqueous humor and lead to increased eye pressure.

Aging: As we grow older, the drainage system in the eye can become less efficient, leading to a gradual buildup of pressure.

Eye injuries or inflammation: Trauma or inflammation in the eye can damage the drainage system, causing a rise in eye pressure.

Medications: Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, can increase the production of aqueous humor or impede its drainage, contributing to the development of glaucoma.
Underlying medical conditions: Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain cardiovascular conditions have been linked to an increased risk of glaucoma.

Risk Factors and Complications

Certain factors can increase the risk of developing glaucoma, and it is essential to be aware of these to proactively manage your eye health. These risk factors may include:

  • Age

  • Family History

  • Ethnicity

  • Underlying Medical Conditions

  • Medications

  • Eye Injuries and Inflammation

If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to permanent vision loss and blindness, underscoring the importance of early detection and prompt treatment. Regular comprehensive eye exams are the best way to identify the condition in its early stages and initiate appropriate management strategies.

Treatments and Benefits

The primary goal of glaucoma treatment is to lower the eye pressure and prevent further damage to the optic nerve, thereby preserving the patient's remaining vision. A variety of glaucoma treatment options, each tailored to meet the unique needs of the patients, are available. 

Eye Drops
Prescription eye drops are often the first line of defense in the management of glaucoma. These medications work by either reducing the production of aqueous humor or improving the drainage of this fluid, effectively lowering the eye pressure. It is crucial to follow the prescribed dosage to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Laser Procedures
In some cases, laser-based treatments may be recommended to improve the drainage of aqueous humor and lower eye pressure. These procedures include: 

  • Trabeculoplasty: This technique uses a laser to open up the drainage channels, enhancing the outflow of aqueous humor.

  • Iridotomy: This procedure creates a small opening in the iris to improve the flow of fluid and relieve pressure in angle-closure glaucoma.

  • Cyclophotocoagulation: This laser treatment targets the ciliary body, the part of the eye responsible for producing aqueous humor, to reduce fluid production.

Laser procedures are often used in conjunction with eye drops or as an alternative when medications alone are not effective in controlling eye pressure.

Surgical Interventions
In some cases, surgical interventions may be necessary to manage glaucoma, particularly when other treatment options have been exhausted or are not effective. These procedures include:

  • Drainage implants: These small devices are surgically implanted to create a new pathway for aqueous humor drainage, effectively lowering eye pressure.

  • Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS): These innovative techniques use tiny, specialized instruments to improve fluid outflow with minimal disruption to the eye's structure.

Surgical treatments are typically reserved for patients with advanced glaucoma or those who have not responded well to other management strategies. 

Benefits of Early Treatment

Early detection and prompt treatment of Glaucoma can significantly slow the progression of the disease and preserve the patient's remaining vision. By lowering eye pressure and preventing further optic nerve damage, the available treatments can help patients maintain their visual acuity and quality of life.

Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial for the early detection of glaucoma, as the condition can develop gradually without noticeable symptoms in the early stages. By catching the disease early, ophthalmologists can implement the most appropriate treatment plan, tailored to the individual's needs, to effectively manage the condition and protect their precious sight.

Cost of Glaucoma Treatment In Noida

The average cost of glaucoma treatment in Noida ranges from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 40,000. However, the final cost may vary depending on factors such as the type of glaucoma, the severity of the condition, and the specific treatment plan recommended by the ophthalmologist. 

Felix Hospital in Noida is one of the Best Eye Hospital in Noida, offering affordable prices and a team of experienced ophthalmologists. We understand the financial burden that medical expenses can place on individuals and families, which is why we offer various payment options and work with insurance providers to maximize coverage and minimize out-of-pocket costs.

Factors Affecting Cost Of Glaucoma Treatment 

The Cost of Glaucoma treatment can vary widely based on several factors, making it important for patients to understand what influences these expenses. Knowing these factors can help patients plan financially and discuss options with their healthcare providers to ensure they receive the best possible care within their budget. These factors include:

  • Diagnostic Tests

  • Geographic Location

  • Insurance Coverage

  • Severity of the Condition

  • Type of Treatment Required

  • Type of Healthcare Facility

  • Frequency of Follow-Up Visits

  • Healthcare Provider's Expertise

Understanding these factors can help patients navigate the financial aspects of glaucoma treatment and make informed decisions about their care. Discussing these elements with a healthcare provider can also provide clarity and help identify the most cost-effective treatment options.

Know Your Ophthalmologist in Felix 

Dr. Mohmad Uzair Zakai has over 10 years of experience in performing and interpreting basic eye procedures. He is proficient in handling outpatient departments (OPDs) and managing emergencies with great care.

Dr. Deepanjali Arya is a dedicated ophthalmologist with more than 9 years of experience. She specializes in diagnosing, treating, and surgically managing various eye conditions and diseases. Driven by a strong desire to help patients achieve optimal eye health, she strives to provide excellent care and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs.

Why Choose Felix Hospital?

At Felix Hospital, we are dedicated to providing world-class eye care services with advanced  facilities and cutting-edge technology. Our team of best ophthalmologists in Noida offer comprehensive glaucoma care using the latest diagnostic tools and treatment options, from advanced imaging techniques to innovative surgical interventions.

We recognize that each patient's glaucoma management needs are unique. Our ophthalmologists develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs, considering the type and severity of the condition, overall health, and personal preferences. Collaborating with other healthcare professionals ensures a holistic approach to patient care. 

Book an Appointment now with our experts at Felix hospital : Call +91 9667064100.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What are the first signs that glaucoma is developing?
The first signs of glaucoma often include subtle vision changes, such as loss of peripheral vision, halos around lights, or blurred vision. Many people may not notice symptoms until the disease has progressed significantly.

Why do people get glaucoma?
People get glaucoma due to increased intraocular pressure, which can damage the optic nerve. Risk factors include age, family history, certain medical conditions like diabetes, and prolonged use of corticosteroid medications.

Is glaucoma surgery painful?
Glaucoma surgery is generally not painful. Patients receive local or general anesthesia during the procedure, which numbs the eye. Post-surgery discomfort is usually minimal and can be managed with prescribed medications.

What are the 5 stages of glaucoma?
The five stages of glaucoma are:
1) Suspected glaucoma, with no noticeable vision loss. 
2) Early-stage, with minor vision loss. 
3) Moderate stage, with noticeable visual field loss. 
4) Advanced stage, with significant vision loss. 
5) End-stage, with severe vision impairment or blindness.

How can I find the best ophthalmologists near me in Noida?
To find the best ophthalmologists near you in Noida, consider Felix Hospital, known for its comprehensive eye care services. They have a team of experienced ophthalmologists specializing in various eye conditions.

How can I prevent glaucoma?
Prevent glaucoma by having regular comprehensive eye exams, especially if you are at higher risk. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoid smoking. Manage other health conditions like hypertension and diabetes.

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