Are you grappling with the discomfort of phimosis? Finding the right treatment path is paramount. In Noida, Felix Hospital offers a multitude of options to consider, including effective surgical solutions to address phimosis.


Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin of the penis is too tight to be pulled back over the head, leading to discomfort, pain, and potential difficulties with urination. While conservative approaches may be suitable for some cases, surgery becomes necessary in situations where it offers the most effective solution to alleviate discomfort and enhance overall well-being.


At Felix Hospital in Noida, we understand the significance of providing comprehensive care for phimosis. Our experienced urologists in Noida and dedicated staff are committed to delivering exceptional care, and we recognize the importance of addressing phimosis effectively. Our surgical intervention, which includes circumcision, involves the partial or complete removal of the foreskin, resulting in improved hygiene and a reduced risk of complications.

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Understanding Phimosis Surgery Cost in Noida

The cost of phimosis Treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the type of procedure and the complexity of your case. Here's an estimated breakdown of phimosis surgery costs at Felix Hospital:


Starting Cost₹20,000
Average Cost₹25,000
Maximum Cost₹35,000


Our goal at Felix Hospital is to provide exceptional care while ensuring affordability. Our experienced urologists and dedicated staff are committed to delivering outstanding treatment that aligns with your budget. We understand that each patient's needs are unique and work closely with you to provide the best possible care.


Different Types and Costs for Phimosis Surgery at Felix Hospital:


  • Circumcision: This involves the removal of the foreskin and is a common surgical procedure to treat phimosis. Approximate cost: INR 20,000 - 35,000.
  • Preputioplasty: A less invasive option that involves a minor incision to widen the foreskin opening. Approximate cost: INR 25,000 - 40,000.
  • Dorsal Slit: A procedure where a slit is made in the foreskin to widen the opening. Approximate cost: INR 20,000 - 35,000.
  • Partial Frenuloplasty: Focusing on the removal of the frenulum to relieve tightness. Approximate cost: INR 25,000 - 40,000.
  • Full Frenuloplasty: Complete removal of the frenulum to address severe tightness. Approximate cost: INR 30,000 - 45,000.

Is Phimosis Surgery Cost Covered by Insurance or Mediclaim?

Circumcision, the surgical removal of the foreskin covering the tip of the penis, applies to individuals of various age groups, including teenagers, adults, the elderly, and newborn boys.

Both Mediclaim and health insurance policies provide coverage for circumcision surgery when it is medically necessary to address foreskin-related issues such as phimosis, paraphimosis, balanitis, and other medical conditions that can affect penile health. This coverage aims to aid in the treatment of existing conditions and the prevention of potential future penile problems. However, it's important to note that if circumcision is performed solely for aesthetic or religious reasons, not all insurance companies will include it in their policy coverage.

In cases where circumcision is medically necessary, the specific terms and conditions of insurance coverage, as well as the maximum claimable amount, may vary for each patient.

What does phimosis surgery cost?

The cost for phimosis surgery can vary based on several factors, including the type of procedure, the complexity of the case, the geographical location of the medical facility, and whether or not you have insurance coverage. Here are some common components that may be included in the cost for phimosis surgery:


  • Surgical Procedure: The cost typically covers the surgical procedure itself, including the surgeon's fee, anesthesia, and the use of the operating room.
  • Pre-operative Evaluation: This may involve consultations, physical examinations, and diagnostic tests to assess the extent of the phimosis and determine the most appropriate surgical approach.
  • Post-operative Care: This includes follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor healing and ensure there are no complications.
  • Hospital or Facility Fees: If the surgery is performed in a hospital or surgical center, there may be additional fees associated with the use of their facilities.
  • Medications: The cost may include any medications prescribed for pain management or to prevent infection.
  • Anesthesia: The cost of anesthesia is usually part of the surgical package, but it can vary depending on the type of anesthesia used.
  • Pathological Examination: In some cases, the removed foreskin may be sent for pathological examination to rule out any underlying conditions. This may incur an additional cost.
  • Additional Services: Depending on the specific circumstances of the surgery, there may be other services or tests required, such as blood tests or imaging.

What is Phimosis?

Phimosis is a condition that can affect both adults and children who haven't undergone circumcision. In individuals with phimosis, the foreskin cannot be easily pulled back or retracted, giving the appearance of rings around the tip of the penis.

Phimosis itself may not necessarily be problematic; it only becomes an issue when it leads to symptoms, particularly in severe phimosis where the opening is as small as a pinhole.

There are two main types of phimosis: physiologic and pathologic. 

Physiologic phimosis is typically associated with childhood and often resolves as individuals age. On the other hand, pathologic phimosis is linked to a condition known as balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO).

Who is Affected by Phimosis?

The foreskin, also referred to as the prepuce, is naturally tight in newborns. However, it typically becomes looser as a child grows, with significant changes occurring between the ages of 2 and 6. Phimosis can also develop after childhood.

We are here to assist you in achieving relief and enhanced comfort, all while considering the cost for phimosis surgery. For expert guidance and personalized care, please don't hesitate to contact us at 9667064100.


How Common is Phimosis?

Phimosis is a common occurrence in newborns, but as they grow, the foreskin gradually becomes retractable. It is estimated that by the age of 16, only about 1% of individuals still experience phimosis.


What are the Symptoms of Phimosis:

Individuals with phimosis may experience the following symptoms:


  • Redness or discoloration is often associated with infection or irritation.
  • Swelling (inflammation), which can occur when the area becomes infected or irritated.
  • Soreness.
  • Pain during urination (dysuria).
  • Pain during erections or sexual activity.

When considering phimosis surgery cost in Noida, rest assured that Felix Hospital prioritizes affordability without compromising the quality of care. We offer a range of treatment options tailored to your needs, ensuring that you receive the most appropriate and effective solution for your phimosis-related concerns.


Causes of Phimosis:

If an individual or child has pathologic phimosis, which is caused by an underlying condition, several factors may contribute to its development, including:


  • Poor hygiene, can both cause and result from phimosis. Inadequate cleaning can lead to irritation and potential infections.
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, and lichen sclerosis. When these conditions affect the penis, it may be referred to as penile lichen sclerosis or balanitis xerotic obliterans (BXO).
  • Preputial adhesions or scar tissue that keep the foreskin attached to the tip (glans) of the penis Injuries.
  • Infections, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Understanding the symptoms and underlying causes of phimosis is crucial for proper diagnosis and management. If you or your child is experiencing symptoms of phimosis, it is advisable to seek medical attention for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.


At Felix Hospital, we are here to help you achieve relief and improved comfort while keeping your concerns about phimosis surgery cost in mind. Contact us at 9667064100 for expert guidance and personalized care.


Diagnosing Phimosis

Diagnosing phimosis is typically straightforward and involves a physical examination by a healthcare provider. During this examination, the provider assesses the ability to retract the foreskin. Additionally, in some cases, tests may be ordered to determine the presence of infection, which can be identified through urine or penis discharge analysis.

The diagnosis of phimosis is a crucial first step in understanding the treatment options and associated costs that may follow.

Management and Treatment of Phimosis

Phimosis can be categorized into two main types: physiological (congenital) and pathological (secondary). The choice of treatment depends on the type and severity of phimosis.

Treatment Costs for Phimosis:


  • Physiological Phimosis (Congenital): This type of phimosis is often considered a natural part of development in newborns and young children. In most cases, it doesn't require medical intervention. This is commonly referred to as primary phimosis.
  • Pathological Phimosis (Secondary): Pathological phimosis, on the other hand, necessitates treatment due to the presence of an underlying condition or complications.
  • Steroid Cream: A frequently recommended initial treatment approach involves the application of a steroid cream to the penis skin. This treatment aims to reduce inflammation and facilitate foreskin retraction. The cost of Phimosis treatment is generally affordable and accessible.
  • Stretching Exercises: After approximately two weeks of using the steroid cream, healthcare providers may suggest gentle foreskin stretching exercises. These exercises should be performed with care, avoiding any pain or discomfort. The associated costs here primarily involve the continued use of the cream.
  • Surgery: In some cases, particularly when conservative treatments are ineffective or when phimosis is severe, surgical intervention may be necessary. The two main surgical options are preputioplasty and circumcision. Preputioplasty involves a minor incision to widen the foreskin opening, while circumcision is the complete removal of the foreskin.


Read more about - Circumcision Surgery Cost in Noida


The cost of phimosis treatment at Felix Hospital in Noida is competitive, starting at approximately INR 20,000 for the surgery. We understand that each patient's needs are unique and work closely with you to provide the best possible care that aligns with your budget.


Complications Associated with Phimosis or Treatment:

It's crucial to recognize that complications associated with phimosis or its treatment are not uniform. In general, steroid-related complications are not usually associated with the topical creams used for foreskin retraction. These issues are predominantly linked to long-term oral use of steroids.
On the other hand, circumcision, while once a common procedure performed on newborns, is not necessarily done right away anymore. This procedure carries certain risks, including bleeding, infection, and the possibility of having a foreskin that is either too long or too short.

Preventing Phimosis:

Preventing physiological phimosis is challenging as it is a common condition present in nearly all newborns. However, maintaining good penile hygiene is essential. Parents or caregivers should receive guidance on proper cleaning techniques, and they should not be overly concerned if the foreskin is not retractable during the first few years of life. As children become capable of self-care, they should be taught how to clean their genitals effectively.

Prognosis for Phimosis:

The prognosis for individuals with phimosis is generally favorable, especially when appropriate treatment is sought. This holds particularly true for cases where the condition is a result of balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO), a condition that can cause complications and discomfort if left untreated.


Self-Care for Phimosis:

Regardless of whether one has phimosis or not, maintaining penile health is crucial. This begins with early efforts to keep the genitals clean. Using gentle soap and warm water for daily cleaning, along with thorough drying, is advised. It is also important to ensure that hands are clean before touching the penis and that clean underwear is worn.
For individuals who are sexually active, the use of condoms and lubrication is recommended. This is particularly important for those with phimosis, as the friction during sex may lead to foreskin tearing.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

If an individual experiences difficulty retracting the foreskin, discomfort, or pain, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider promptly. Additionally, any issues related to urination or pain should be addressed with medical attention.

In conclusion

Phimosis is a condition that can affect individuals at different stages of life, and its treatment options vary based on the type and severity of phimosis. Understanding the diagnosis, treatment options, phimosis surgery cost, associated costs, insurance coverage, and complications is essential for individuals and parents caring for children with phimosis.


If you are looking for best hospital in Noida, Visit Felix Hospital or Call at: +(91)9667064100.

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