Are you feeling pain because of a small tear near your back passage, also known as an anal fissure? If so, it's important to find the right treatment. In Noida, there are many options to think about. From making lifestyle changes to having a special kind of surgery, the goal is to make the pain better and help you feel well. Experienced doctors who specialize in this area can help you figure out the best treatment, what might happen, and let you make choices about your health. Start a journey to feel better and more comfortable. Noida has good hospitals and doctors who are skilled at fixing this problem. Anal Fissure Surgery Cost in Noida is fair, so you can get good care without spending too much. Whether you need a simple treatment or something more involved, Noida has good options that are affordable and can really help you feel better.


Remember, the cost of fissure surgery might be different based on things like the kind of treatment, how complicated your case is, what the hospital is like, the fees for the specialist doctor, and how you're taken care of after the surgery.


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Starting Cost₹35,000
Average Cost₹45,500
Maximum Cost₹50,000


Looking for affordable anal fissure surgery cost (or Fissure Operation Cost) in Noida. Consult Felix Hospital's top specialists We prioritize exceptional care while ensuring affordability. Our experienced specialists and super specialists doctors and dedicated staff are committed to delivering outstanding treatment that aligns with your budget. Begin your path to relief with confidence, knowing you're receiving top-notch care tailored to your needs.



An anal fissure refers to a small tear in the lining of the anal canal, commonly stemming from constipation, straining during bowel movements, or chronic diarrhea. Individuals often experience intense, sharp pain during bowel movements, accompanied by the passage of bright red blood. If left untreated, fissures can become chronic. These tears are prevalent and can affect both men and women of all ages.

In most cases, surgical intervention is unnecessary for anal fissures. Upon diagnosis, our team collaborates to create a tailored treatment plan. Warm baths can provide relief and enhance blood circulation. Medications, including fiber therapy, aim to modify stool consistency and facilitate fissure healing. Should these measures prove insufficient, sphincter relaxants may be prescribed. Surgical options are reserved for cases where other approaches fail.

While rare, an anal fissure may signal an underlying disorder such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), sexually transmitted disease (STD), or cancer. If the diagnosis remains unclear, additional tests like an exam under anesthesia or colonoscopy may be required to rule out other conditions.
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What are the different types of Anal Fissure Surgery Cost in Noida?

Surgical treatment is typically reserved for acute anal fissures that continue to show symptoms after 4-6 weeks of medical therapy and for chronic anal fissures. The different types of anal fissure surgery cost (or Fissure Operation Cost) in Noida are as follows:


Preparation for Surgery and Fissure Operation Cost (Anal Fissure Surgery Cost in Noida)

For surgical treatment of an anal fissure, administering an enema on the morning of the procedure is adequate bowel preparation. In cases where the fissure causes too much pain, the enema may be omitted.


Botox Injection

Botulinum toxin (BOTOX®) can be employed to address both acute and chronic anal fissures. It is injected directly into the internal anal sphincter, essentially performing a chemical sphincterotomy. The effects last approximately 3 months until nerve endings regenerate. This period may allow acute fissures (and sometimes chronic fissures) to heal and symptoms to subside, with success rates around 50%.


Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy

Lateral internal sphincterotomy is the current preferred surgical procedure for anal fissures. It can be performed with the patient under general or spinal anesthesia. When dealing with a chronic anal fissure, the surgeon may choose to perform a fissurectomy alongside the lateral sphincterotomy..


Advancement Mucosal Flap

In cases where long-standing chronic fissures do not heal despite an adequate sphincterotomy, an advancement flap may be necessary to cover the mucosal defect. This procedure can be conducted either concurrently with the sphincterotomy if the surgeon anticipates the fissure not healing or as a subsequent procedure if healing does not occur.

Postoperative Recovery

Pain from the fissure begins to diminish almost immediately. The only postoperative restrictions stem from the anesthesia, and many patients can resume normal activities the following day.

Is Anal Fissure Surgery cost (Fissure Operation Cost) covered under Insurance?

Choosing the right anal fissure treatment cost involves considering severity, medical guidance, and personal choices. Expert consultation will help determine the best approach, while cost of fissure surgery estimates vary by location and facility. For personalized anal fissure surgery cost (or Fissure Operation Cost) details, contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100, and start your path to relief and well-being.

Health Insurance Coverage for Fissure Treatment cost

Your health insurance policy can alleviate the financial burden of treating an illness like a fissure. Covered fissure treatment cost/cost of fissure surgery includes:


  • In-Patient Hospitalization: Expenses during hospital stays, including room rent, nursing care, ICU charges, doctor consultations, surgery, and ancillary supplies.
  • Pre-Hospitalization: Medical costs before admission, such as consultations, diagnostic tests, preventive measures, and medications.
  • Post-Hospitalization: Medical expenses after discharge, covering follow-up consultations, tests, and prescribed drugs.
  • Home Treatment: Some plans facilitate treatment at home, ensuring equal care whether in a medical facility or at home.
  • Cash Allowances: Exclusive daily cash allowance for incidental expenses during hospitalization, lightening the financial load.

Contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100 for tailored information on the cost for anal fissure surgery, taking the first step towards alleviating discomfort and improving your health.


What are the possible symptoms of Anal Fissure?


  • Pain during bowel movements: Anal fissures often cause sharp pain when passing stool due to the tear in the anal lining.
  • Prolonged post-bowel movement pain: The discomfort may persist after bowel movements, affecting the overall quality of life.
  • Bright red blood on stool or toilet paper: The presence of blood indicates the tearing of the blood vessels in the anal area.
  • Visible crack in the skin around the anus: An observable split or fissure in the skin, contributing to the painful symptoms.
  • Small lump or skin tag near the anal fissure: In some cases, a small protrusion or tag may form near the site of the fissure.

When to Consult a Doctor

If experiencing pain during bowel movements or noticing blood on stools or toilet paper after bowel movements, seeking prompt medical attention is crucial.

Diagnosis of Anal Fissure

The diagnosis of anal fissures typically involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and sometimes additional diagnostic procedures. Here's how anal fissures are diagnosed:

Medical History:


  • The doctor will inquire about your symptoms, including pain during bowel movements, bleeding, and any other discomfort related to the anal area.
  • They will ask about your bowel habits, dietary habits, and any relevant medical history, including previous occurrences of anal fissures.

Physical Examination:

  • A visual inspection of the anal area will be conducted to check for any visible signs of an anal fissure, such as a tear or a small lump.
  • The doctor may use a gentle anoscope, a small instrument that allows them to examine the anal canal more closely.

Digital Rectal Examination (DRE):

  • The doctor may perform a digital rectal examination by inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to assess the condition of the anal canal and surrounding tissues.


  • Anoscopy involves using a small, lighted tube called an anoscope to get a closer view of the anal canal. This can help confirm the presence of an anal fissure and assess its severity.


  • In some cases, a colonoscopy may be recommended to rule out other potential causes of symptoms, especially if there are concerns about inflammatory bowel disease, anal cancer, or other gastrointestinal issues.


  • If there are any suspicious lesions, the doctor may perform a biopsy during a colonoscopy to rule out more serious conditions.

It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan tailored to your specific situation. If you suspect you have an anal fissure or are experiencing symptoms, seek medical attention promptly for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care.

Take the first step towards alleviating discomfort and improving your health. Contact Felix Hospital at +91 9667064100 for tailored information on anal fissure surgery cost.

Pre-Surgery Preparations for Anal Fissure

Medical Evaluation:

  • A thorough medical evaluation, including a discussion of your medical history, symptoms, and any pre-existing conditions, will be conducted.

Physical Examination:

  • A physical examination, including a rectal examination, may be performed to assess the condition of the anal fissure and surrounding tissues.

Diagnostic Tests:

  • Diagnostic tests, such as anoscopy or colonoscopy, may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other potential issues.

Discussion of Treatment Options:

  • The healthcare provider will discuss various treatment options, including the potential need for surgical intervention.


  • If surgery is planned, you may be instructed to fast for a certain period before the procedure, typically overnight.

Medication Adjustment:

  • If you are on any medications, the healthcare provider may advise adjusting or discontinuing certain medications before the surgery.

Hygiene Practices:

  • Maintaining good hygiene practices, including keeping the anal area clean, may be emphasized before the surgery.


Post-Surgery Preparations for Anal Fissure:

Pain Management:

  • Pain management strategies will be discussed, and prescription or over-the-counter pain medications may be prescribed.

Dietary Recommendations:

  • Dietary recommendations, such as incorporating more fiber into your diet to soften stools and prevent constipation, will be provided.

Hygiene Instructions:

  • Proper hygiene practices, including gentle cleaning of the anal area after bowel movements, will be emphasized to prevent infection.

Activity Restrictions:

  • There may be certain restrictions on activities, especially activities that could strain the anal area, during the initial recovery period.

Follow-up Appointments:

  • Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns or complications.

Stool Softeners or Fiber Supplements:

  • Stool softeners or fiber supplements may be recommended to promote regular bowel movements and prevent straining.

It's essential to follow your healthcare provider's instructions carefully and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal healing. Individual preparations may vary based on the specific surgical procedure and the patient's overall health. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.


Aftercare and Recovery Following Anal Fissure Surgery:

Pain Management:

  • Pain management is crucial during the initial recovery period. Your healthcare provider may prescribe pain medications or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers.

Hygiene Practices:

  • Maintain good hygiene practices to prevent infection. Clean the anal area gently with warm water after bowel movements.

Dietary Adjustments:

  • Follow any dietary recommendations provided by your healthcare provider. A high-fiber diet can help soften stools and prevent constipation, promoting smoother bowel movements.

Stool Softeners or Fiber Supplements:

  • Continue taking stool softeners or fiber supplements as recommended to avoid straining during bowel movements.

Activity Restrictions:

  • Initially, avoid strenuous physical activities that could strain the anal area. Gradually reintroduce regular activities as advised by your healthcare provider.

Follow-up Appointments:

  • Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress. Discuss any concerns or symptoms with your healthcare provider during these visits.

Return to Work and Normal Activities:

  • The time it takes to return to work and normal activities varies for each individual. Follow your healthcare provider's guidance on when it's safe to resume daily tasks.

Resuming Sexual Activity:

  • Your healthcare provider will provide guidance on when it's appropriate to resume sexual activity. This may vary based on the type of surgery performed.

Monitoring for Complications:

  • Be vigilant for any signs of complications, such as persistent pain, excessive bleeding, or signs of infection. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any concerning symptoms.

Long-Term Preventive Measures:

  • Adopt long-term preventive measures, including maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and practicing good bowel habits to reduce the risk of future anal fissures.

Psychological Support:

  • If you experience anxiety or emotional challenges related to the surgery, consider seeking psychological support or counseling.


What are the causes of Anal Fissure?


  • Passing large or hard stools: Straining during bowel movements, often due to constipation, can lead to fissures.
  • Constipation and straining during bowel movements: Chronic constipation contributes to the formation of fissures.
  • Persistent diarrhea: Frequent episodes of diarrhea can also cause or exacerbate anal fissures.
  • Anal intercourse: Engaging in anal intercourse may increase the risk of developing fissures.
  • Childbirth: Women may experience fissures postpartum due to the strain on the anal area during childbirth

Less common causes encompass:

  • Crohn's disease or another inflammatory bowel disease: Chronic inflammation may make the anal canal more vulnerable.
  • Anal cancer: Although rare, anal cancer can present with symptoms similar to anal fissures.
  • HIV, Tuberculosis, Syphilis: These infections can contribute to the development of anal fissures.

What are Risk Factors of Anal Fissure?


  • Constipation: Straining and the passage of hard stools increase the likelihood of fissures.
  • Childbirth: Women are more susceptible to anal fissures after giving birth.
  • Crohn's disease: Chronic inflammation makes the anal canal more prone to tearing.
  • Anal intercourse: Engaging in anal intercourse can increase the risk.
  • Age: While anal fissures can occur at any age, they are more common in infants and middle-aged adults.

Understanding these risk factors aids in identifying individuals who may be more susceptible to anal fistulas and enables proactive measures for prevention and management. Need to know the precise cost for anal fisure surgery? Dial +91 966706410 to connect with Felix Hospital and initiate your road to comfort and recovery.

What are the complications of Anal Fissure?


  • Failure to heal within eight weeks: If an anal fissure persists beyond this timeframe, it is considered chronic, requiring further treatment.
  • Recurrence: Individuals who have experienced an anal fissure are more susceptible to developing another one.
  • Extension of the tear to surrounding muscles: Particularly the internal anal sphincter, complicating the healing process and potentially requiring medication or surgery.
  • Prevention: Preventive measures to avoid an anal fissure include maintaining regular bowel habits through a high-fiber diet, adequate fluid intake, and regular exercise.

Why Opt for Anal Fissure Treatment at Felix Hospital?

Choosing Felix Hospital for Anal Fissure Treatment means opting for a comprehensive healthcare experience. Our features include skilled surgeons, advanced facilities, a holistic approach to care, a range of multi and superspeciality services, accreditation for safety and quality, a highly competent medical team, positive patient feedback, a convenient location, cost-effective fissure treatment, complimentary pick and drop services, and state-of-the-art amenities. We also accept both private and government health insurance.


In conclusion,

Felix Hospital, we transform the management of anal fissures into a manageable condition through contemporary treatments. Despite the potential challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and recovery, our diverse treatment options cater to individuals of all ages and varying severity levels. Post-treatment, our healthcare providers offer crucial advice on diet, hygiene, and exercises to ensure prompt healing. Your journey to recovery is our priority.


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