Bladder stones are solid mineral masses found within the bladder. They form as a result of minerals in concentrated urine crystallizing and merging into stones. This occurrence is often associated with difficulties in fully emptying the bladder. While small bladder stones may pass naturally without intervention, larger ones may require medication or surgical procedures. If left unaddressed, bladder stones can escalate the risk of infections and other associated complications.


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What Are Urinary Bladder Stones ?

Bladder stones, also known as vesical calculi or cystoliths, form when minerals accumulate due to incomplete bladder emptying after urination. Over time, residual urine becomes concentrated, leading to mineral crystallization. The primary component of bladder stones is often uric acid, a byproduct of metabolic processes.

Bladder stones can remain asymptomatic for a while and are typically discovered incidentally during medical imaging for unrelated reasons. Larger stones may require intervention by healthcare professionals.

Sometimes, bladder stones develop individually, while in other cases, they form clusters. Their shapes can vary, with some being nearly spherical and others having irregular shapes. A common type of bladder stone is a “jackstone” because it is shaped like a jack from the kids’ game Jacks. If you want to know what is Urinary Bladder Stones surgery, read below for more information. 


Cost of urinary bladder stone surgery 

The cost of urinary bladder stone removal surgery in Noida varies depending on several factors, including the type of surgery and hospital charges. For an accurate estimate of the costs involved, patients should consult directly with a surgeon or hospital. Here's a breakdown of the approximate cost of urinary bladder stone surgery in Noida:

Starting Cost

₹ 50,000

Average Cost

₹ 70,000

Maximum Cost

₹ 90,000


If you're seeking affordable urinary bladder stone surgery costs in Noida without compromising on quality, consider Felix Hospital. We are renowned for providing high-quality surgical care at competitive prices. Reach out to our surgeons or staff for a clear understanding of the costs involved. We ensure that you receive top-notch care without burdening your finances. Say goodbye to discomfort without breaking the bank. Explore our cost-effective options today! Contact us at +91 9667064100 or email us at


How is Urinary Bladder Stone surgery procedure done ?

There is proper procedure that how is urinary bladder stones procedure done, the procedure of urinary bladder stone, known as cystolithotomy, typically involves the following steps:


  • Anesthesia: Before the surgery begins, the patient is given anesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and pain-free throughout the procedure. The type of anesthesia used may vary depending on the patient's health status and the surgeon's preference.
  • Incision: Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen or sometimes in the perineum (the area between the anus and the scrotum or vulva) to access the bladder.
  • Bladder Exposure: The surgeon carefully exposes the bladder by dissecting through the surrounding tissues and muscle layers, providing clear access to the bladder.
  • Bladder Incision: After exposing the bladder, the surgeon makes an incision in the bladder wall to access the stones inside. The size and location of the incision may vary depending on the size and number of stones present.
  • Stone Removal: Using specialized instruments such as forceps or a stone retrieval device, the surgeon removes the bladder stones one by one from the bladder cavity. In some cases, if the stones are too large or numerous, they may need to be broken into smaller pieces before removal.
  • Irrigation and Closure: Once all the stones are removed, the bladder may be irrigated with saline solution to ensure all stone fragments and debris are flushed out. The bladder incision is then closed using sutures or surgical staples, and the surrounding tissues and muscle layers are carefully repaired.
  • Drainage: In some cases, a urinary catheter may be inserted into the bladder through the urethra to drain urine and allow the bladder to heal properly. The catheter may be left in place temporarily or removed shortly after surgery, depending on the patient's condition.
  • Recovery: After the surgery is complete, the patient is monitored closely in the recovery area to ensure they are stable. Pain medications may be prescribed to manage any discomfort, and the patient may be instructed on post-operative care instructions, including dietary recommendations and activity restrictions.

Overall, the surgical procedure for urinary bladder stone removal aims to effectively and safely eliminate the stones from the bladder while minimizing risks and complications for the patient. It's essential for patients to follow their surgeon's recommendations and attend follow-up appointments for proper healing and recovery.


Tips To Reduce The Cost Of Urinary Bladder Stones Surgery:

Reducing medication costs can be achieved through several strategies. Here are some tips:


  • Generic Alternatives: Brand name medications tend to be more expensive than their generic counterparts, as they often involve research and development costs.
  • Dosage: Different dosages and strengths of the same medication may have different prices, higher dosages or strengths may be more expensive.
  • Insurance Coverage: The cost of medication can vary depending on your insurance coverage. Different insurance plans may have different formularies, which can affect the out-of-pocket cost for medications. It is mandatory to consult with your health care providers to get a comprehensive understanding of the estimated costs related to Urinary Bladder Stones surgery.
  • Healthcare providers: The Cost of Urinary Bladder Stones surgery can vary between different Hospitals. It’s worth comparing Prices at different locations to find the most affordable option.
  • Discounts: Some Hospitals may offer discounts that can help reduce the fees of Urinary Bladder Stones operation. 
  • Geographical location: Medication prices can vary between countries or regions due to factors such as local regulations, import/export costs, and market competition.
  • Talk to your Doctor: Discuss your concerns about medication costs with your healthcare Provider. They may be able to suggest alternative medications or dosage adjustments that are more affordable.

It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your medication regimen. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific medical needs. Urinary Bladder Stones surgery cost in Noida can differ depending on the specific Hospital or their medical facilities where the procedure is performed may have different pricing structures. 


Causes Of Urinary Bladder Stones:

Bladder stones develop when urine remains in the bladder for an extended period, causing waste products like salt, potassium, and protein to crystallize and form hard masses. This process is most common when the bladder cannot be completely emptied during urination.

Various conditions and factors can increase the risk of urinary bladder stone causes formation, including:


  • Bladder augmentation surgery, where tissue from the intestines is used to enlarge the bladder, potentially causing urine retention.
  • Bladder diverticula, which are pockets or openings in the bladder wall that can trap urine, leading to incomplete emptying.
  • Cystocele(Dropped Bladder), a condition where weakened supportive tissues allow the bladder to drop into the vagina, obstructing urine flow.
  • Dehydration, which concentrates minerals in urine, promoting stone formation.
  • Enlarged prostate, which can obstruct urine flow and hinder complete bladder emptying.
  • Kidney stones, which may travel from the kidney to the bladder and contribute to stone formation.
  • Neurogenic bladder, characterized by nerve damage affecting bladder function, often requiring catheterization.
  • Prolonged use of medical devices like catheters, which may promote crystal formation if left in the bladder beyond recommended durations


Symptoms Of Urinary Bladder Stones:

Urinary Bladder stones can vary in size, with smaller ones possibly passing without noticeable symptoms. However, larger stones may trigger significant discomfort and complications. signs of bladder stones in females larger bladder stones may manifest as follows:


  • Changes in urine color, such as cloudy or dark urine.
  • Blood in the urine (hematuria).
  • Frequent urges to urinate, even immediately after urinating.
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination (dysuria).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or back.
  • Difficulty starting urination or maintaining a steady stream.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs), often recurring.
  • Foul-smelling or cloudy urine.

These symptoms may vary depending on the size and location of the bladder stones, as well as individual factors. If experiencing any of these signs, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment and also bladder stones symptoms in males are the same . 


How To Remove Urinary Bladder Stone ?

The typical approach for treating bladder stones involves surgical intervention. A common procedure, known as cystolitholapaxy, utilizes a slender tube called a cystoscope equipped with a camera to locate the bladder stones.


Once located, various methods such as stone-crushing devices, lasers, or ultrasound are employed through the cystoscope to fragment the stones before extraction. Addressing the underlying causes of bladder stones is essential whenever feasible to deter the formation of new stones in the future.

Can urinary bladder stone removal without surgery:

Alternative medicine methods, such as herbal remedies, have not been shown to effectively dissolve bladder stones. Given the hardness of these stones, medical procedures like laser treatment or ultrasound are typically necessary for their removal. It's crucial to consult your doctor before attempting any alternative medicine therapy to ensure its safety and compatibility with any other medications you may be taking.

Diagnosing Urinary Bladder Stone:

The possible conditions that healthcare providers consider when diagnosing bladder stones are:


  • Fungus ball: A mass of fungus that can form in the bladder, often seen in individuals with conditions like diabetes or those with weakened immune systems.
  • Clot: A blood clot that may obstruct the flow of urine in the bladder, leading to similar symptoms as bladder stones.
  • Papillary urothelial carcinoma: A type of bladder cancer that can cause growths or tumors in the bladder, sometimes resembling bladder stones in imaging tests.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI): Bacterial infection in the urinary tract, which can cause symptoms similar to those of bladder stones, such as pain during urination and cloudy urine.
  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): Enlargement of the prostate gland, which can obstruct the bladder outlet and lead to urinary retention and symptoms resembling those of bladder stones.

If you're in pain and seeking medical attention, search for the best urology hospital in Noida, and Felix Hospital is always available to assist you. Contact us at +91 9667064100 or email us at


Prognosis of Urinary Bladder Stone:

The prognosis of urinary bladder stones depends on several factors, including the size and number of stones, the presence of associated complications, and the effectiveness of treatment. In general:


  • Small bladder stones may pass spontaneously without causing significant complications, leading to a favorable prognosis.
  • Larger bladder stones or those causing symptoms such as severe pain, urinary obstruction, or recurrent urinary tract infections may require medical intervention.
  • Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment can often lead to a good prognosis, with relief of symptoms and prevention of complications.
  • If left untreated, bladder stones can lead to complications such as recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder outlet obstruction, or kidney damage, potentially impacting the prognosis negatively.
  • With timely and effective treatment, most individuals with bladder stones can expect a positive outcome, with resolution of symptoms and improved quality of life. Regular follow-up and preventive measures may be necessary to prevent recurrence.



Urinary bladder stones can cause discomfort and complications if left untreated, but timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can lead to positive outcomes. Surgical intervention, such as cystolitholapaxy, is often necessary for removing bladder stones effectively. The cost of urinary bladder stone surgery in Noida varies depending on factors like the type of surgery and hospital charges. At Felix Hospital, we offer high-quality surgical care at competitive prices, ensuring patients receive top-notch treatment without financial strain. Consulting with healthcare professionals is crucial for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and preventive measures to maintain urinary health. With proper management and follow-up, individuals with bladder stones can expect relief of symptoms and improved quality of life.

FAQs about urinary bladder stone surgery:


  • 1. What are urinary bladder stones?

ANS. Urinary bladder stones are hard mineral deposits that form in the bladder when minerals in urine crystallize.

  • 2. What causes bladder stones?

ANS. Bladder stones can develop due to factors like urinary tract infections, dehydration, bladder outlet obstruction, or underlying medical conditions.

  • 3. How do bladder stones affect health?

ANS. Bladder stones can lead to symptoms like pain, difficulty urinating, blood in urine, frequent urinary tract infections, and complications if left untreated.

  • 4. How to remove urinary bladder stone ?

ANS. Treatment options may include medications to dissolve stones, minimally invasive procedures like lithotripsy to break up stones, or surgical removal of larger stones.

  • 5. How is urinary bladder stone surgery performed?

ANS. Urinary bladder stone surgery may involve cystolitholapaxy, where a thin tube with a camera and stone-crushing devices is inserted into the bladder to locate and remove stones.

  • 6. Is bladder stone surgery painful?

ANS. Patients are usually under anesthesia during bladder stone surgery, so they don't feel pain. However, some discomfort may occur during the recovery period.

  • 7. What are the risks associated with bladder stone surgery?

ANS. Risks may include infection, bleeding, injury to surrounding organs, urinary incontinence, or recurrence of bladder stones.

  • 8. How long does it take to recover from bladder stone surgery?

ANS. Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery and individual factors but may take a few days to weeks.

  • 9. Can bladder stones come back after surgery?

ANS. Bladder stones can recur if underlying causes are not addressed. Following a healthy lifestyle and addressing any underlying conditions can help prevent recurrence.

  • 10. What can I do to prevent bladder stones?

ANS. Drinking plenty of fluids, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding holding urine for too long, and seeking prompt treatment for urinary tract infections can help prevent bladder stones.

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